Chapter 3

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Y/n's pov:

I sent the message and blocked the contact, after that I looked for Chandler and I was not surprised to see him in the kitchen eating unhealthy food. "Really? I was gone for 5 minutes! HOW DID YOU HAVE TIME TO MAKE A WHOLE PLATE FULL OF HAMBURGERS???". I asked looking at the visibly homemade hamburgers. "What was I supposed to do? Wait calmly and don't make bad decisions, like eating fastfood at 2 am?" He asked jokingly. "Well, at least we have food..." I said sitting down next to the tall idiot, taking a burger and starting to eat it.

"Y/n?" Chandler said quietly. "Yeah?" I asked. "Are you sure you don't want to move in? We basically already spend most of the days together, so the difference would be, that we don't have to walk half a city to meet up, and if the boys come over you could simply lock the door to your room, they'd understand." I looked down and put my half eaten hamburger on my plate... This motherfucker knows how to convince my introverted ass... "But... Are you sure I won't cause any inconvenience? Or what if-" I was cut off by Chandler " Jesus Y/n, no you won't cause any trouble or something, don't be stupid!" When he said that I thought about it for a second and after that I agreed

"Okay! I'll move in, but if you dare to wake me up before 9 am, I will end your bloodline, and destroy you." I looked at him with a terrifying glare and than started laughing when I saw his scared face. "Oh god, Chandler, I'm joking, I'll just rip off your arm and beat the shit out of you with it!" I said in a cute tone than continued eating the hamburger with a smile on my face.

"Maybe you should think twice about the moving-" he said with a scared face.

Time skip (Chandler's pov):

It was around 3 am. We were talking in the living room, when we heard a knock at the door. "Who the heck would be at your door at 3am?" Y/n asked. "I dunno, I'll look..." I said as I walked to the door and opened it to see Jimmy and Chris. "What are you guys doing here??" I asked. "Oh thank god you're alright, why didn't you answer the phone? We were worried" Jimmy asked. "What if I was asleep?" I questioned. " Chandler... We all know you always go to sleep at 5 am... We thought something happened." Chris said as I thought of an excuse, because I didn't want to make Y/n uncomfortable by introducing them to one another. "Look , it's just not a good timing right now, can you please leave? I'll explain it later." I said and luckily they left.

"Who was it?" Y/n asked when I entered the living room. "Oh, it was just, uhm, Jimmy and Chris..." I said. "What? Why were they here? Is something wrong?" He asked when I said that. "No, no, relax, don't worry about it." I tried calming him down, before he would think I let my friends down for him and he'd feel guilty. "You know... We should go to sleep, it's getting late" I said after I calmed him down. "C-can I stay here for the night? I don't feel safe walking on the street alone at night..." He asked... He was a little paranoid, I think it's because of the way his parents treated him... I feel so bad for him... "Yeah, sure, you can stay in the spare room, if you want to move in, you should l check it out, to be more comfortable with it later." I said and he thanked me and we both went to our rooms.

Time skip (Y/n's pov):

I woke up at around 12 pm, feeling like shit... Probably it wasn't a good idea to eat the much at 3 IN THE FUCKING MORNING... I walked out of my room to get something to eat and saw that Chandler is still sleeping, so I decided to make a sandwich to make the smallest amount of noise possible, not to wake him up. After I made my sandwiches I started eating them, but after a few minutes I heard movement form Chandler's room. "Mornin'" I say trying not to sound like I just slept for 12 hours and just woke up. "Hi! What are you planning to do?" He asked still a little tired. "I was thinking about going home and starting to get my stuff, but I'd rather go back to bed..." I said as I put my plate in the sink in order to wash it later.

Time skip:

We were in my apartment, packing my stuff so I can move in with him. The last few things were put in the boxes, and we were ready to get going.

Time skip again cuz I'm the author and i decide what's happening, and it's late:

We got all the boxes in the living room, and we are laying on the couch. "I'm absolutely exhausted..." I say trying not to just parish. "Yeah, can you solve it from now? I have to go, we're recording a new video." Chandler said. "Sure! I'll pack things out, you can go, thanks again for your help" I said as I started packing out and putting my belongings into my room, while Chandler gave me a key and walked out.

Time skip (Chandler's pov):

I pulled up at Jimmy's place and walked to the door. I knocked and after a few seconds he opened the door. "Oh, so you'll finally explain what was going on yesterday?" He asked while letting me in. "Yeah, sure so..."

*explaining the whole situation, that he befriended you and you're socially awkward and bla bla bla*

"Oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't want to make him or you uncomfortable" Jimmy said " Oh, it's okay, maybe one day you and the rest of ✨da boiz✨ can meet him!" Just when I said that I heard the door opening and saw Maddie with a lot of shopping bags. "Hey Jimmy! I'm home! Oh- hi Chandler!" Only when I greeted her I saw that the bags were from the most expensive shops I the city! I really think she loves Jimmy for his money (I know (or at least hope👀) Maddie is not like this, but it's for the plot) ,but I can't say that out loud, I don't want to cause trouble. But I really don't understand how Jimmy can't see this, I just hope he realizes that as soon as possible, so he won't be hurt too much if they break up...


So... Yeah... I won't be able to write for a while, if you want to know why, you'll find it in my other book, it's really late and I'm too tired to write it down again... So I hope you liked it, and you can still give me ideas in DM's if you want... Byee!

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