Chapter 5

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Truth or dare

Y/N's pov:

After the call, I walked back to Chandler's friends. When I walked through the door they all looked at me. "W-what?" I stuttered out trying not to look at them. "Who were you talking to?" Karl asked I suppose trying to be nice. "N-nobody... let's just continue, where were we?" I asked sitting down back next to Chris on the couch.

"So, what if we played some truth or dare?" Everyone looks at Chandler as he said that "This is a bad idea... I like it!" Chris said as I just started to get anxious... 'What if I say something stupid? What if I have to come out and they'll hate me? What if ... I accidentally tell them about... C/n...' these thoughts ran through my mind as everyone got ready to play.

"So, let's start out easily, Karl, truth or dare?" "Truth" "have you been sleeping enough in the past 48 hours?" Chris asked him looking worried. "Nah man, I'm too much of a gamer to sleep" he said, and turned to Chandler, making us slightly worried

"Chandler, truth or dare?" "Truth" "Do you have a crush on
Y/N?" He asks as I almost choke on my saliva "Wha-""No, but I'll have to admit, he is acting kinda cute sometimes" He says as I feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Ok, uhmmm- Y/N! Truth or dare?" "...dare" OMG, WHY DID I SAY DARE?? IDIOT "I dare you to give me half of the money you made in the video" he said "no" "ok..." He said in a sad tone like a child "Ok, now seriously uhm... I dare you to sit in Jimmy's lap for the rest of the game!" He said 'I-... THE FUCK BITCH??' I didn't complain, just sat in his lap and put my arm around his shoulders to hold my balance, and felt him hold me by my back. "Happy?" I asked, and he just gave me a nod. "Well, let's hope Maddie won't see us" Jimmy joked. "Uhmm, who's Maddie?" I asked "Oh, my girlfriend" He answered. "Damn, she pulled the real treat" I joked but inside I yelled, not knowing why and what I was doing, you can't just flirt with him, he's a guy, and he has a girlfriend. "Haha, nah, I think you're cooler, you can crawl in vents to hide from people, I think that's funny" he said, but I just looked in his beautiful blue eye- NO HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND, YOU CAN'T LIKE HIM AND EVEN IF HE DIDN'T YOU COULDN'T BE WITH HIM

Jimmy's pov:

When I said that I didn't know what I was saying, it just... Came out... but I couldn't ignore how good looking he was...but... Chandler told us that he isn't the most stable mentally, so don't do things that could make him uncomfortable... I just... felt bad for him...

Time skip(Y/N's pov):

"Ok, Jimmy! Truth or dare?" Chris asked after around 2 hours of us playing. "Dare!" He answered. "Since you two got really comfy over there, I dare you to FaceTime Maddie with
Y/N in your lap!" We both were as red as tomatoes. But we couldn't complain, so Jimmy took out his phone and dialed her. But when they answered the phone there was a naked guy. "Hello?"

Time skip:

"Jimmy, calm down, I'm sure it's not what it looks like, Maddie wouldn't cheat on you" Chris tried to make the situation better, but didn't succeed, as Jimmy got in his car "You really think so? Because of you do, you're blinder than me" he said as he drove off. A few seconds later Chris looked at me "I swear, Y/N, Jimmy isn't like that usually" he protected him for being so agitated. "No, it's ok, I get it, but I'm worried that something serious is going to happen..."

Jimmy's pov:

I was driving back to my place. I wanted this to be a bad joke, but I didn't watch my speed then- *crash*

Nah, in kidding :) I wouldn't do that....

I pulled up in my driveway (it's in or to my driveway? Sorry I'm dumb) and just then I saw a guy running away half naked, but because of the dark I didn't see his face. I ran in and saw Maddie. "Who was that??" I tried to stay calm, but it probably didn't work out. "What do you mean babe? Nobody was there, you're probably just stress-" "CUT THE BULLSHIT! YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME, DIDN'T YOU, AND YOU WERE USING MY MONEY TO BUY EXPENSIVE CLOTHING AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE-" " Jimmy, calm down, it's noth-" "NO, DON'T TELL ME TO SHUT UP I'M MY HOUSE!" " Y-your house??!" I paused for a second "Yes, my house, now get out" I said in an empty voice "You can't just throw me out this late!" "Yes I can! And you better hurry to get your stuff, until they're not in a dumpster." I said as she got some of her stuff and left, the rest, I put it in a box and in front of the door. Than... I felt a tear rolling down my cheek."You fucking idiot! Why?? Why did you waste that much time on her?? Why didn't you realize that she was cheating earlier?? You fucking moron..." I told myself... I put my face in my palms and started crying, but I felt a tongue licking my arm, I looked up at the tickling feeling and I saw Pinky looking at me with sad puppy eyes, and she put her paw on my lap. "Thanks little girl... Come on, up!" I patted the couch next to me, signalling for her to sit next to me. I couldn't help, but cuddle with her and cry all night...

Yes! I know, Maddie isn't like that (and if you are, lay in a ditch and die 👀) but it's for plot reasons, and yeah, I know that it's shitty, but what did you expect? I'm just some 15 year old gay depressed boy in Europe, I can't help it... Ok, Wolf's out, byee 🐺

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