9th grade year *2nd semester* TRIGGERING

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so heres where things get confusing so try to keep up. 3rd quarter at the beginning was ok wasnt rlly that exciting once we got into about january i started skipping class,and january 14th i broke up with my bf i had that i dated for 4 months for a new guy i really liked and i had met just weeks before  and thats all i really did in january also my new boyfreind met my dad. febuary i started to skip all my classes except 1st mod  i started to learn the guy i left my ex for wasnt all that great he was mentally abusive and begged and begged me to send him nudes this was my breaking point in my mental health but i decided to stay with him. i turned 15 on febuary 16th of 2021, i celebrated my birthday alone i also cryed alot that day, march came and this is where i hit rock bottom i started to take adderall on somedays and i would smoke w{{d on others i skipped class almost every day and i started to smoke nicotine but march 18th oh boy that day was alot now let me start from the beggining of that day i woke up that morning ready to go to school after taking 1 adderall i went to my first mod class and decided i would skip 2nd,4th,6th,7th,and 9th mod little did i know bad things were coming, so i ent to first mod the 2nd mod i went to the bathroom with my freind and we were going to ditch 2nd mod well the principle came in to the bathroom to check stalls and see if people were skipping she caught us and since at the time the teachers and principles knew drugs were going around the school so they checked mine and my freinds book bag, but i had 10 adderall pills in my bag and my freind had idk how many in their bag, after the principle found the pills she got the schools resource officer to look at them and conferm they  were adderall, i got seperated from my freind, i stayed in the office while they officer and a staff member took her down to isc *independent study class aka in school suspntion* i got questioned on where i got the pills *i didnt tell bc i aint no snitch which made things harder on myself but ohwell*then after awhile an officer came in and told the assistent principle whom was questioning me that the school district wanted to press charges on me and my freind, at that point i was haveing a panic attack and couldnt breathe but i tryed to gather myself back together again the principle gave me and my freind 3 days out of school suspntion and the courts handled the drug and other things *thats a story in a later chapter* when my parents came to pick me up they were relitively calm they were mad but they stayed calm well tryed to when i got home i got my phone taken and my parents drug tested me everything came out negitive.when i finally texted my bf at the time lets *call him jax*  i told jax what happened and he got mad and said he couldnt be around me bc i was takeing adderall and that would get him back on xanax *which made no sense but ok* so he broke up with me, and i cryed for hours on it and i cryed for 3 days straight then as numb for i dont know how long, but he  was my first offical heart break he was the first guy who had ever made me cry over him leaveing. after abt 3 weeks of that i went back to my ex i left for him i was with him for like 5 days then told him i just couldnt i was still rlly hurt but then i went on to date at the time jax's bestfreind that only lasted probly 12 hrs not even that then i tryed dateing jaxs other freind and that lasted 2 weeks but in that 2 weeks i cheated on him with lets call this one aiden, so when jax's other freind found out i cheated on him with aiden he got mad and called me many...many things in an email he sent to me. so after i cheated i started dateing aiden for awhile


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