middle school-part 2⚠️tw⚠️

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after meeting my other bestfreind she was with me constanntly but no matter how much i was around people i could feel my depression geating worse so i started bottleing up everything i continued to cut. i got to the point where i tryed weed to get high to get rid of the deppershion feeling it was a temporary fix for mebut ,i got to the point of bottleing evrything up that during a mental break down i ended up telling my parents that i wanted to kill myself, they pushed it to the side like it was nothing and they didnt get me help like i needed. i continued to cut myself. i finshed my school one day and i was told that i still had work to do because my spanish teacher reassined all of my work on the last day and told me to do it all again. and remember this teacher hated me so she tryed every thing in her power to keep me from getting a good grade and i never even did anyting to her. on may 28,2020 i tryed to overdose. i sat in the bathroom till my dad found me and he told me to get out of the bathroom the most i remember is that my mom came to get me because it was her weekend she noticed that i didnt look like my self aparently from what she said was that i was pale and i looked tired after my mom i came and got me i blacked out so i dont remember what all happend but i remember coming back to consciousness with an iv on my hand and my mom was asleep on a couch with someone looking at me. i was scared i also felt high. i remeber i felt like i was gonna throw up so i said im gonna throwup and the lady told me to put this pill looking ting im my mouth and it would help me with that feeling and it would make me not feel like that but after letting it disslove under my tounge like it was supposed to i threw up i forgot what it was called but i was a little mad necuse she lied to me....


to be continued...


in the next part im gonna tell you what my mom told me about what happened to me

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