Milkshake Love

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"Remind me, why did you pick me and not Sean or Milly?" Hailey asks while she took her seat at the booth across from Jake. She breathed in the fragrance of the milkshake shop, smelling the heavenly fragrances of Strawberry, Vanilla, and all of the savory flavors.

Jake sighed. "Well, I just didn't think that they would be interested... and they're always busy with their significant others, Sean with Daisy and Milly with Elliot...I mean, I don't want to waste two free milkshake coupons on someone who won't actually use them."

"Oh... I see."

"Anyways, what do you want?"

"Hmmm..." Hailey gazes around the shop, looking at the delicious pictures of the milkshakes.

 "I'll have.... strawberry. I've been eating way too much chocolate and vanilla lately." She said, giving a little giggle at the end.

"Yeah, heh. I guess I'll have Strawberry as well..." Jake replied. "Hello, I'm Lia! Welcome to the Shake'n Blend! What can I get you two?" A tall black-haired girl asked.

"We'll just have some strawberry," Jake answered, delivering a friendly smile.

"Your drink will be here in a few minutes!" Lia said, giving Jake a slight wink before she turned and left.

*Hailey's POV*

I sighed. It was hard having a crush on Jake when every single girl and boy who set eyes on him flirted with him. It made me lose courage, but yet it only made me want him more. But who am I tricking...?

All these girls and boys are more charming than me... and why would Jake want to date someone who hated him since middle school?

When I was younger, he was friends with Drew, who bullied me and my stepbrother, Zander, causing us to hate each other. All I wanted was for him to disappear. Now... I want him beneath my skin. My feelings had started to evolve ever since he joined the music club.

It was several weeks after he joined our group and became our friends, he even started to hang out and get along with my friends Sean and Milly, I guess I began him. But I suppose I always have. Whenever I was about to confront him when I was 12, my heart would flutter like a butterfly. I just didn't know what the feeling was...

I began to suspect why Jake never strived to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. It appeared as every girl and guy favored him. Which was absolutely correct... I sighed again, knowing I was just another fangirl... But... it couldn't hurt investigating...right...?

"Jake... why haven't you got a girlfriend or boyfriend yet...?"

Jake's oak brown eyes lit up in surprise, looking up at me with his adorable dumbfounded look on him. "That was sudden Hailey... what brought that up all of a sudden...?"

I shrugged a little, looking away. "Just curious... so many girls and boys want you... can't keep them waiting, right?" I joked, despising what I had just said. Keep them waiting... please... it would hurt me so much to see you with someone else...

Jake moved around in his chair and played with the buttons of his light blue jacket. "I already have my eyes on someone... I'm just frightened that they won't like me back..."

His words were like frost to my heart. He already fancied someone...

I sniffed a bit. Why... why did I have to fall for someone like him...? What was I presuming anyway...? For him to condone me for causing him all that ache in his life? WHY!? Was it because... he despised me...?

"Here you go! Enjoy your date!" A familiar voice said. Lia. She placed one strawberry milkshake down and placed two straws in them.

Wait a second...

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