Times Up

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(Soulmate Timer AU: You have a timer on your right wrist of how long it would take for someone to find out who their soulmate is.)

Hailey looked at her right wrist to see if she had a timer of when she will meet her soulmate. She saw emptiness and was very disconcerted about it. All of her friends had either had their timer or had their soulmates already. Luke had found his soulmate back in November, it was with Hailey's older step-brother, Zander. Sean had just found out his a few minutes ago, it was the head girl, Daisy. Milly still had a few hours left on hers, hoping it was her crush, Elliot, a boy who was in the grade above and was in the gardening club. Stacy even found her soulmate, she hoped it would be with Luke, but it was with Drew, Jake's friend, and Hailey and Zander's old rival. Sighing, she walked out of the music club room, tears at the ridges of her eyes. 

Jake walked by her and noticed her disposition. He then looked down at her wrist, then that's when he understood why she was the way she was. He looked down at his wrist. It had five minutes on it, five minutes until he found out who his soulmate was. He ran over to Hailey and told her it was going to be ok, she will find her special someone eventually, even without a timer. Lia, an ex-friend of Jake's yanked him away and claimed he was her soulmate, she showed her left wrist and showed her "timer" was at zero. Jake was confused and looked at his wrist. Which was also at zero. His time was up. She claimed him as her own and made him leave Hailey alone.

When it reached the end of the day. Hailey eyed Jake, who was his so-called soulmate, Lia. Lia saw Hailey and smirked at her with a devilish look. Hailey could not deal with the heartbreak and ran past them crying. She ran into her house crying. 

Shannon, her stepmother, saw her disconcerted and asked her what was wrong. "It isn't fair mom, everyone has a soulmate...but me...I wish I had one....but no..." she told her. She kept going on that she wished her timer was experiencing a glitch, that she had someone waiting for her to be their soulmate. She told her about the situation with Jake and Lia. "Did you say that the Lia girl presented her left wrist?" Shannon asked. Hailey nodded, very bewildered. "The soulmate timer never shows up on the left wrist, she probably did so she can have Jake to herself," Shannon explained to her stepdaughter. 

Later that night, she was texting Jake, who was questioning if soulmate timers ever show up on the left wrist as Lia's did. She then gave him a few studies she found online about the whole soulmate timer and what wrist it was on. Jake replied with a thank you and goodnight. As soon as that passed, Hailey felt some sort of discomfort on her right wrist, she teared up from the shock. Luckily it only lasted for about 20 seconds. She looks at it and notices a timer, that said 11 hours, 5 minutes, and the seconds counting down. 

Confused she walked out of her room and to Zander. "Zander, what does this mean, this showed up on my wrist," Hailey asked showing him the numbers. Zander walks over and grabs her wrist and smiles. "Looks like someone is meeting their soulmate soon," Zander replied. Smiling, Hailey skipped to bed and went to sleep. 

When she got to school that day, Lia glared at her and pushed her down. "You jerk! You ruined everything!" Lia said in anger, Hailey was very confused. She began to speak before Lia punched her in the face. "You ruined my chance with Jake! No wonder you don't have a soulmate! No one would like someone like you!" Lia shouted beating her up. 

Jake ran up to them and saw what was going on. "Lia, what in the world are you doing? She did nothing! You did, you lied about your soulmate timer, just so you can be with me, which is sad that you go out of your way to do such a thing," Jake said, looking at her angrily.

Before Lia stormed off, she swept Hailey off her feet, causing her to fall into Jake's arms. Jake noticed her state and took her to the nurse. While taking her to the nurse, he saw her right wrist had numbers on it. Smiling he looked at his wrist, which showed the same amount of time. He thought it was odd because his timer ran out the day before. Both of them had 2 minutes and 15 seconds left as the seconds went down. 

Once he had gotten to the nurse, Hailey looked at him with a smile. They suddenly heard a beep and looked down at their arms. On Hailey, it said Soulmate Found: Jake Sterling. While on Jake's wrist, it read Soulmate Found: Hailey Austin.  Both of them smiled at each other. 

Hailey was the first to speak "J-Jake I...I do not know where to begin, so I guess this is just as good a place as any. Right now, I'm thinking about you. It's funny how thoughts of you fill my day, my heart, and my mind. I know that you love me, and you must know that I love you too. You and I have connected on such a high level that our minds exchange the same ideas, and our hearts beat as one. Yet you still say you're not sure our love will last once I know all about you.

Everything that I feel runs so deep that I don't care about your past and all the things you've done that you feel you should be ashamed of. My love is unconditional, and it will always be here for you. I don't want you to wake up days, months, or years from now, wondering what would have been or could have been. I know you see the love that I feel for you, and I wish that you could trust that love. You say that I am "star-crossed" and that I don't know the true you. I don't believe I could be "star-crossed," because I am certain of my love for you."

If Jake said there were no tears developing in the corners of his eyes, he would be a big old liar. He felt the same way that she did, so, he put it in his own words.

"When I first met you, I was struck by your warmth and by your sweetness of manner and speech. It soon became difficult for me to shut you out of my mind. Your bewitching smile captivated my heart. The more I tried to forget you, the more I began to think about you until it dawned upon me that I had fallen in love with you. I've gotten the chance to know you in our music club and the competition, and I want you to know you've captured my heart. I know this is not right for me to tell you all these things so soon, but I can't help it.

After we parted ways yesterday, I had wonderful memories that filled my heart as I walked along the path that led home. Thanks for filling the emptiness in my heart. You're an angel in disguise that came down from heaven to brighten my life.

Now that I've found you, I promise to take good care of you. Even though I don't know what your true feelings are, I'll still love you the best way I can. Thank you for those things that you've done for me. If the time comes when you find someone you love better than me, just let me know; even though it hurts, I'll set you free."

Now for Hailey, saying she was not crying on the inside was an understatement. "I would never leave you! I-I...I love you Jake!" she replied before kissing him.

They both decided to surprise the music club with the news

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They both decided to surprise the music club with the news. At lunch, every one of the band members was in the club room with their soulmates. Giggling Hailey walked into the room by herself, making the club look at her confused. "You ok Hailey?" Sean asks noticing her bright and upbeat attitude, it was different from how she was the day before. Hailey looked over at him nodding, mouth full of food, the club laughed at this behavior. Jake walks in and goes right to Hailey, giving her a kiss. 

This caused Zander to almost drop his fork and walk over to Jake, Luke didn't let that happen. Jake looks over at Zander with a worried yet happy look on his face. "Treat her right, you peach simp," Zander tells him. The whole club laughed at that. "Got it, angry grape boy," Jake replied, earning a giggle from him and Hailey.

Jake looked at and was happy his time was up, happy that he got the girl who made him find himself with his passion for music was the one he would spend the rest of his life with.

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