Thankful For

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As the leaves on the trees changed and fell, and as the temperatures began to drop, the season of fall has come to the homes of the music club. It had been seven years since Jake Sterling joined the group and was considered one of them, considered a friend. He told the club about why he had become friends with the bullies: Drew, Liam, and Henry. To this day, those three always make fun of them, it got worse when Jake chose the music club over his old friends. He told them that if they were truly his friends, they would support him and his interests. Drew tried to argue that he was only with them to impress Daisy. Hailey Austin, the clubs' leader told them in response that he had told them that was his original reason, but as time went by, Jake was making connections with the club, he was happy, and he was himself.

So much happened after that day and after winning the music competition. Elliot, Milly's crush, came to the club during rehearsals one day with orchids, confessing his feelings for the pink-haired devil herself. They soon became a couple. Jake and Hailey also became a couple soon after that, when Jake confessed to her with a song. Sean Everett went through his senior year seeing his friends getting into loving relationships. Graduation Day approached and he was spending time with his friends when, behind him, he heard a female voice call out his name. This female voice was not unknown to any of them, for it belonged to the white-haired, heart of gold, head girl, Daisy. Sean and Daisy became really close, so close that they gained feelings for one another. When Sean had turned around to say hi, Daisy collided her lips with his. They then became a couple.

All these memories were passing through the mind of Luke Peterson. He was so deep in those memories that he did not hear his boyfriend, Alexander "Zander" Wickham, ask for help. Zander literally had to kiss him to snap him out of it. Luke apologized for spacing out for so long. Zander forgave him and asked him to set the table, for everyone was going to arrive soon for Thanksgiving. 

Hours passed and everyone has arrived. Luke was thankful to be surrounded by his family and friends. He turned to see Zander arguing with Hailey about something and chuckled. Zander was one of the special things that Luke was thankful for, having him, his childhood best friend, as his special someone. Bethany, Zander and Hailey's little sister notices the lovesick look that Luke had on his face. She drags him away from the group and asks him what is going on. Luke tried to act clueless at first but knew he could not do that with her. He sighed and told her that he wanted to ask Zander to marry him. Shannon Wickham, Zanders mother, and Michael Austin, Zanders step-father heard him tell her that. Shannon squealed with joy, giving Luke her permission to marry him, Michael agreed as well.

It was after dinner and Luke, along with Milly, Sean, Daisy, Elliot, and Jake were cleaning up t. he kitchen. Jake was noticing that Luke had been nervous about something since dinner. "Yo Luke, you ok, haven't seen you like this since high school, when you wanted to confess to Zander," Jake asked Luke. He only responded with a nod. Milly then noticed that there was something in Luke's front pocket. "What's that you got there?" she asked, making Luke tense up. He tried to hide it and act like he did not know what Milly was talking about. "Luke, you can't do this, you're not good at hiding stuff," Sean said. Luke sighed, Sean was right, he could not hide anything from them, only Zander. Luke took out what was in his pocket and showed them what was in his pocket, and engagement ring. Elliot and Sean had to make sure their girlfriends did not squeal, they did not want Zander to hear. Luke was thankful to have friends like that. 

The kitchen was clean and Luke was still a shaking mess. Zander grabbed his hand with a gentle smile, telling him that everything was alright, Luke gave him a gentle smile and nodded, kissing his cheek, causing Zander to go red. Almost everyone was smirking at Luke, cause they knew what he wanted to do.

Everyone was in the living room, talking, while Luke went into the kitchen to grab some water. Zander notice how long he was gone for, and went into the kitchen to see a Luke that was shaking, mumbling to himself, pacing. "Luke?" he asked the brunette. Luke looked up at him, clearly shaking. "Y-Yes Zander?" Luke replied. "What's wrong? You have been in here for 15 minutes, " Zander asked, very concerned about his boyfriend. Luke said nothing at that moment until he looked into Zanders purple eyes. They were the same eyes that he fell in love with many years ago. Luke was sick of looking like a mess and decided that it was time.

"Follow me," Luke said, grabbing his boyfriends arm. Zander was confused yet followed him anyway. Luke led him outside, where it was wind and autumn leaves flew in the air. One flew into Zanders hair. When Luke saw that leaf in his hair, he was reminded of what occurred 7 years ago, when a singular leaf fell in the exact same spot in his hair.

"Luke, what is going on?" Zander asked, pulling Luke out of memory lane. Silence filled the air as Luke stood there, looking around him. "Zander," Luke said, breaking the silence, "how long have we been together?" Zander replied that it has been 7 years since they got together, asking Luke why he wanted to know.

"Zander, today is a day of being thankful and giving thanks. I am thankful for our families, friends, what we have and so much more. I am most thankful for you though. Meeting you back in kindergarten almost 20 years ago means so much to me. I may have not realized what my future with you back then, but now I do. I see a future with you, together. Now, Alexander Wickham, I ask you this, while bending down on one knee. Will you, Alexander Wickham, make me the happiest man in the world, and become my husband? Will you marry me?" Luke asked while opening the box that had the precious engagement ring.

Zander had his mouth covered with tears flooding his eyes and pouring down his face. He was absolutely speechless. "Oh my gosh, Luke, yes, I will," Zander said, trying not to scream . Luke was in utter shock, he could not believe that he said yes. "For real?" Luke asked out of pure joy. "Yeah, for real, I'll marry you Luke," Zander replied while Luke stood up and put the ring on his left ring finger.  Tears were falling down his face as Luke connected his lips with Zanders with a kiss. 

Both Luke and Zander had so much to be thankful for. Right now, they were thankful for each other and the love they had that would grow for many years to come.

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