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I stood in the large metal room, staring at the giant window where Sage and Reeva stood. "You told us what you can do, but we'd like to see it in action. We have 6 people in the room with you, each one has been given one digit in the 6 digit code to the door. Get the number, and you can leave the room." Reeva said and I looked forward. 6 people stood next to each other. "They stand in the order that their digit goes to the password. I suggest you remember it because they wont be standing there long." Reeva cut out again, amd the 6 peopel ran, each running in a different direction. I launched myself at one, a man around his 30s. I kissed him and a pink light radiated from my eyes. 7. Then I looked further, he remebered the order they stood. He was the third one, now time for the next 5. I stood up, looking around. The 5 people surrounded me, looking for an opening to attack. I stood up, forcing the man asleep and placing my finger in his forehead, absorbing the energy back into my body. A searing pain appeared on my back, a sign of the new mark appearing. "Who's next?"

"Well done." Reeva said, her arms folded infront of her. "That was amazing." Andy said, clapping me on my shoulder, hitting one of the new lines. I winced amd Andy retracted his hand. "It was nothing, just me getting 6 steps closer to death unless I find my one true love." I laughed elbowing him in the stomach. "Come on, you look hungry." Andy motioned me to follow him to the kitchen. "So, whats your power?" I asked Andy as we walked into the kitchen. Andy pulled out a tennis ball, throwing it at the wall. When it bounced back Andy held his hamd up amd the ball expolded into a bunch of pieces. "Not bad. A little messy, but not bad." I laughed, biting into an apple. "Oh really?" Andy scoffed, holding his hand up. The apple flew from my hand and landed on the counter. "Oh, no you didn't." I chased after Andy, who ran out of the room. We tan through 5 different halls before I finally caught him. I launched myself at him, bringing him down to the floor. I sat on his chest, my knees on his arms and my arms next to his head. I smirked at him, "lets see whats in the little head of yours, huh?" I leaned down, smirking at him. Andy laughed fighting against me until I kissed him. The pink energy flowed from my eyes into his and he stopped fighting. "Andy, please!" Lauren shouted, fighting against mom and dad as Lorna guided me to the door. "Its okay Andy." Lorna rubbed my back as we left. But she didnt get it, as we walked away I could feel something break inside me. Leaving Lauren was the same as leaving a part of myself. I stood up, the pink light flowing back to my eyes. A tear fell from my eye and me and Andy stared at each other. "Hey Andy, oh, am I interupting something?" Lorna walked in, her arms crossed across her chest and a smirk on her face. "N-no. Go ahead." I walked out of the room, making sure I was alone before dropping to my knees and almost screaming at the pain on my chest. I heard heels clicking on the floor as someone approached me. I looked up and saw one of the Frost triplets kneeling infront of me, her eyes wide as she looked me over. "Y/n? Y/n? Can you hear me?" I nodded, tears falling from my eyes. "Come on. We'll get someone to look at you." Esme helped me up and took me to a room. The pain grew stronger and my ears started ringing from the burning sensation. The marks have never hurt this badly before. I felt someone lay me on a table and pull my shirt off. They rolled me over and the hands that were on me immediately pulled off of my body. "Y/n. Its Esme. Its one of your marks. One on your back, its glowing almost as bright as the lights in here. Is that whats causing the pain?" I weighed in pain. "Yes!" I screamed in my mind. "Has it ever hurt this much before?" I felt something cool on my back and I breathed. "Never!" My nose filled with the smell of smoke and I felt something bubble on my back. "Can you remember who you kissed to get this one?" Andy. Can he really be the cause of this? "Listen, I'm leaving you here with Sage while I go get Andy. She thinks him being here will make the pain more bearable." The burning gre worse and I screamed, this time both in my mind and out loud. "Hurry!" A sharp pain stabbed behind my eyes and I felt myself slip back and forth between unconsciousness and being awake. It felt like hours before the pain started to decrease, but it couldnt have been more then 10 minutes. The door banged against the wall, and I felt a hand on my back and the burning disappears completely. I laughed, looking up to see Andy staring at me, his eyes full of worry. I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck, a few tears landing on his shoulder. "What is going on here?" Reeva walked into the room, the other 2 Frost siblings behind her. "One of y/n's marks almost burned a hole into the table." Sage said, placing her tablet down. "Are you all right?" Reeva placed a hand on my arm, which was clutching Andy like if I let go the pain would start again. "I-I'm fine." My grip tightened and Andy rubbed my back. "Y/n, Andy, I'd like to run some tests and see if this is just what happens because of him using his powers so many times, or if it has something to do with you." Sage said, most likely talking to Andy. I highly head into his shoulder, squeezing my eyes closed. What is happening to me?

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