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I opened my eyes, the memory of last night crashing into my mind like a train. Andy's arms were wrapped around my waist and he was holding me tightly, as if he let go, I might disappear. I looked down at my chest, where all of the marks from kissing Andy appeared. 25 marks, not counting the 3 from before me and him... The 28 marks started small, just a few lines around my left nipple, but they got bigger and bigger, all of them together to make one shape. A heart above my heart. The largest one was around 4 inches, the smallest was barely 1. I looked forward at the wall. All of the ones that happened after mine and Andy's talk felt different then before. And they were a different shade of pink. Barely, but still different. I placed a hand over one of Andy's and closed my eyes.

When i woke up again, Andy was awake too, sitting at the foot of the bed with his hands in his hair. He was tapping his foot, like he was waiting for something that terrified him. I sat up and put a hand on his back, rubbing it gently. "Hey." I said and he pooked at me, like a deer caught in headlights. He was currently just wear a pair of loose fitting sweatpants, and his hair was a mess. "Hey, good morning. Listen, about last night..." I out a finger on his mouth. "Andy, its okay." Was all I said and then moved to sit next to him, the blanket still around my waist. "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want to. Also, we wont do it again if you don't want to." I put a hand in his thigh and smiled at him as he relaxed. "Good, yeah great." He laughed and held my hand. "Now, why dont we get to know each other before you decide if you want to do it again sometime?" I kaughed and stood uo, the blanket fall off of me. "But I should probably get dressed first." Andy laughed and threw me my underwear.

I walked backwards into the living room, Andy holding onto my hand infront of me. "Okay, um, least favorite color?" I laughed, "Red and pink. I have seen so much if it, I'm tired of it." Andy laughed and I turned around infront of the window. "Favorite video game?" I asked, looking at Andy. "Call of Duty." I laughed and he punched my shoulder. "What?" He said, laughing. "That's so basic." I laid my head on his shoulder, looking out the window. "Its so pretty out here." I whispered and Andy laid his head on mine. "Yeah. It is." Andy put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed it. We stood there for at least half an hour before someone walked into the room. "Hello boys. Hope we're not interrupting." I turned around, the Frost triplets stood in the doorway. "Hey. Whats up girls?" I asked and Andy let go of me. "Training downstairs." "Reeva says its urgent." "Best not to be late." I looked at Andy and sighed. "Come on." Andy said and out an arm around me as we walked to an elevator. "Why did no one tell me this was here?" I asked, looking at Andy, who laughed.

"Welcome everyone. Ms. Dane has to sit this one out do to her condition, but, we must go on. This job is an important one, without it, we will fail." I looked at Andy, who was the only other person in the room. "So, what do we do?" I yelled out to her. "Fight." A bunch of soldiers appeared, surrounding us. "Um, Andy?" I said, looking around in a panic. "Yeah?" He asked, throwing a bunch of soldiers back. "I dont have any offensive powers." Andy looked at me with wide eyes as people fired at us. Andy threw me to the ground, sending soldiers flying. I looked up, watching Andy throw the holograms. "Behind you!" Andy turned around, sending him flying. "Good job Andrew. Y/n, we'll find someone to teach you to fight." I stood up, and looked at Andy, who was smiling. I smiled at him, and we left the room. "Well, that was fun, though, they could try to get a softer floor." I joked, Andy laughing. He wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on him as we walked to the elevator. When the doors opened, Lorna walked out an smiled at us. "Well, look at you two. So, you two dating or what?" I looked at Andy, who looked at me. "Yeah. We are." We both said and Lorna smiled. "That was fast. Just don't rush anything else, virgins." Me and Andy rushed onto the elevator and shut the doors before we broke down laughing. "I like her." I said, clutching Andy's hand. "Yeah, Lornas cool. Shes like a mother around here." I rested my head on Andy again. "Do you like cheesebutgers?" Andy asked, looking down at me with a smirk.

My head rolled back as I laughed. Andy started to snort as he dropped his fry. I looked up at him, brushing a lock of hair away from my eye. "Okay, okay, favorite book series?" I tapped my finger against the table as Andy laughed. "You're going to judge me." He laughed. "No irony, I promise." I out my hand on his, smiling at him. "Okay, okay. It's... The Rainbow Magic series." I put a hand iver my mouth, suppressing the laugh I promised not to do. "Little Mr. Badass has a soft side." I squeezed his hand and he laughed. "Fags!" Someone yelled from across the street. I looked to the side, seeing a group of 4 boys staring at us. Andy was going to stand up, but I grabbed his wrist, staring at him. "Ignore them Andy." Andy looked at me like I was crazy. "How can we just ignore them? We're fighting for a free world for all. They're the kind of assholes that would take that down." I looked at him and shook my head. "Andy. We can't get exposed." I said, my tone warning him. "Bro, leave them alone. Look at those muties over there." I looked up and saw 2 people around mine and Andy's age. The girl had pink scales on her forehead and the boy had yellow eyes and a furry tail. "Okay, go off." I leaned backa dn let go of his hand, watching Andy lift his hand up. The boys flew back from where they sat, one of them landing in a trash can. I laughed and looked up at the two mutants, who were now watching us. I smiled and waved at them. They smiled and waved at me before leaving. "Lets get out of here." I smiled and Andy and I walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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