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"Okay y/n, we have 4 people for us to try this experiment with." Sage said and I looked up from my hands. The places where Andy's arms held my seemed bare now that he wasn't there. Andy, Lorna, Esme and some guy stood infront of me. "Okay, first, kiss Bulk." I stood up and kissed the big guy. New mark on my leg, but no overwhelming pain. "Olay, now Esme." I walked over and kissed her. New mark on my hand, no burning. "Next." I kissed Lorna. Strange relationship status, new mark on my foot, no blacking out. "Now, Andy." I looked at him, my nerves going crazy. "Y/n, its okay." Andy smiled at me and I kissed him. "Andy!" The searing hot water hit my back and the cold water froze my chest. I just want everything to go away! "Andy!" Why me?! Why do they hate me!? What did I do?! "Andy! Its me!" Hands touched my face and forced me to turn. Lauren. She cares about me. She wouldn't do this to me. "Come one, we got to get out of here." Lauren helped me upa nd we ran out of the locker room. I looked down, the fear in that dicks eyes made me happy. "Ahh!" I dropped to the floor. Another new mark on my chest, the sensation felt like a hot knife was being cut into me. "Y/n!" Andy dropped to my side, pulling me into his arms. As soon as he touched me, the pain dispersed. I grabbed Andy and pulled myself closer to me. "I guess I shouldnt expect another kiss?" Andy joked and I hit him in the shoulder. "Okay, the results are in. It seems like its only Andy that does this to you. Any ideas as to why?" Sage asked from her computer room looking above the training room. "All I know about my powers is from family legends dating back to Ancient Greece." I said looking up from Andy's chest. "Well, it couldnt hurt to look them over. Come on up, Andy, stay with him." Me and Andy stood up, heading to Sages lab.

"Okay, does any legend you've heard say anything about this?" Sage asked, leaning back against the table. "Um, hmm, maybe? I think one of them does." I nodded, sitting in a chair, Andy sitting next me. "Go ahead." Sage said, clicking something on her computer. "Well, since my family believed this power was a gift from Aphrodite herself, they also believed it knew who was our true love. Who the only person who would make us happy would be. The one person who we could make happy." I said throwing a glance at a blushing Andy. "And if we kiss them before they love us, and before we love them, we get punished." Sage nodded. "Punished by having a searing pain that shuts off most of you bodily functions, and if left alone, will shut off your organs one by one until eventually turning off your brain and killing you?" I looked up at Sage, who smiled at me. "Apparently." I chuckled and looked at her with a scared smile. "So, that means..." I looked at Andy, who was still blushing. "Your my one and only true love, Boom Boy."

I sat on my bed, staring at the wall infront of it. What is my life? I go from living in an orphanage, to living on the streets, and then I get to a mansion and two days later, I tell a guy I barely know that he's my true love. What the actual fuck? I laid back, staring at the ceiling and then someone knocked on the door. "Its open?" The door opened, but I didn't look up. "Hey kid." Lorna sat on the foot of my bed. "Hey." Was all I said, not bothering to hide my marks. "So, you gonna tell me why both you and Andy are locked in your rooms, and why Sage just asked me how to get two people to fall in love?" I let out a laugh, but it sounded fake, even to me. "Stupid family legend that might explain why kissing Andy causes so much pain. Apparently, hes my one true love." I laughed another fake laugh and sat up to stare at Lorna. "Damn. That's... Interesting." She laughed and smiled at me. "Hey, dont be so sad. If he really is your 'true love', then everything will work out, right?" I smield and bumped her shoulder. "Yeah, maybe. Its just, now things are going to be so awkward between us, and every time we talk, thats all he'll think about. How I'm just trying to get him to fall in love with me so I don't pass out everytime we kiss." I put my head in my hands and Lorna rubbed my back. But it felt different then when Andy does it, it felt empty. "Hey, I'm sure he wont think that." Lorna laughed, and I just looked up at her. "Now, go talk to him before Reeva sends the triplets to do it for you." I groaned and stood up. "Where's his room?" Lorna laughed and stood up.

I knocked on Andy's door, hearing him move around inside it. I took a deep breath when I heard Andy walk to the door. When he opened it, I tried to force a smile, but it just hurt to even try. "Hi." I said and Andy just stared at me. "So, hows life?" I asked, rocking back and forth on my heels. Andy laughed and opened the door wider for me. I walked past him and sat on his bed. "Look..." "Listen..." We both stopped and laughed. "I just wanted to..." "I was thinking..." We laughed again. "Well, I was..." "I don't..." Andy put a hand on my mouth and took a breath. "I dont want things to be awkward between us because your powers claimed me. I'm flattered, and you are cute, but I want to grow to love you, not be forced into it because you powers say we should be." I smiled at Andy, a small tear building in my eye. "I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't feel forced because of me. I would love to get to know you better, and maybe fall for you, but I dont want to do it because my powers say we should either." Andy smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. "Just because i dont now, doesnt mean I won't forever." He whispered in my ear and pulled away from the hug. I looked at hima nd smiled at him, before we both leaned in and kissed. I wrapped my fingers in his hair, and Andy clutched my back. I could feel our minds merging, not me looking in his, but our minds becoming one. We puleld away, and another mark appeared on my chest again, but the pain was bearable this time. I looked at him, our eyes locking, before we pulled each other back into another kiss. I felt Andy's hand go under my shirt and I pulled his jacket off of him. Andy's hand gripped my hair and we fell back onto the bed.

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