chapter 8

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 In the midst of the dark jungle, she could sense the presence of other beings around her. She had to decide now or else it would be too late. On her right, a pair of sanguine eyes filled with lust and impatience pulled her towards them. On her far left, a pair of silver mercury eyes, prominent in the dark watched her intently making her feel uncomfortable and insecure. She had to choose……but what? She had to find a way out of this darkness and the clock was definitely not on her side. Time had started to slip through her slender fingers like dry sand. Suddenly, both the pair of eyes started to move towards her and the trees started to crumple on her. Her heart raced, her breathing ragged as her system strived hard to fulfill the oxygen debt, desperately trying to run but her feet seemed to be stuck. She knew there was no way out.

 She had to do it…….but she couldn’t. 

Annabelle jolted to consciousness, perspiration running down her face.

“Not again.” Annabelle grunted with annoyance clear in her voice as she pushed her dark hair away from her face in frustration. Crossing her legs and sitting up straight in her bed she started to stare aimlessly at Coral, who slept peacefully with a smirk playing on her lips. Annabelle had been having these nightmares for a week now, always the same. Even though the dreams were exactly the same every night, she still woke up perspiring; cold, startled and numb making her fell restless.

Glancing toward the clock on her side table in the dark, she easily made out that it was four in the morning. She still had five long hours ahead of her before her first class for today. Heaving a heavy sigh she tried to go back to sleep but after two hours of twisting and turning she finally gave up on the hope of slumber seizing her. Stepping out of her warm comfy quilt she bid goodbye to her bed and careful not to wake Coral, she headed towards the door of her dorm .closing the door behind her as she zipped her black leather jacket she witnessed her first sunrise.

The sun was red, but without any bright light; it slowly started to climb; suddenly, resplendent; the sun was no longer glowing red, but a golden. Annabelle watched in awe and for a moment all the worries of the world, the fear that was building inside her, the nightmares, all the frustration started to vanish as if the warmth of the sun was evaporating them of off her. Nature had always seemed to calm her in the darkest of the times but this was as if she was being reborn, charging somehow. Energy flowed through her and her body craved for more therefore; she opened her arms and closed her eyes trying to soak in every single ray of sunlight.

She had no idea for how long she stood there in this position but was brought back to reality when she heard the faint cry of her alarm clock. Sighing, she headed inside to get ready for the day ahead of her.




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