Chapter 6

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The gleaming, black Porsche glided smoothly down the road, the powerful engine operating soundlessly. It came to a half in front of a large house and the driver stepped out. He was tall, muscular and clad entirely in black, with intense dark eyes that regarded the building impassively. He walked up to the porch and inserting the key in the lock, he entered. He had been informed earlier in the day that meeting was being orchestrated and his presence was expected.

Zander had come as quickly as he could. His footsteps echoed in the silent corridor. The polished, wooden floor gleamed; pictures and ornaments were in their places; not a speck of dust to be observed; not a single curtain or any of the heavy draperies fluttered. The house was devoid of warmth or any human emotion and memories.

At the far end of the corridor was a large, dark door. He opened it and stepped inside. About two dozen pair of eyes stared at him. The room was crowded with men, heavily dropped in cloaks, with hoods pulled low over the faces; only their gleaming eyes could be seen.

The ambiance was chilled, like the first breath of snow, as the fine powder stung the skin. Zander, ignoring everyone else, looked at the figure at the head of the table. A rich, deep voice boomed out, "Well, how nice you joined us."


The days, for Annabelle, were just a blur of colours and bells ringing. She rushed form one class to another, carrying one arm load of books because the strap of her bad had snapped. She was exhausted by the time the final bell rang. For some reason or another, she had not been to sleep properly last night. Now she thought longingly of her bed. Lost in her thought, she bumped into Daniel. The books slipped from her hands and crashed to the floor. "Oops, steady there," he said. "Sorry about that," Annabelle flushed. "Not at all. It was my fault." Daniel began to gather her books and papers that had scattered everywhere. "Let me buy you something from the cafeteria as an apology."

He flashed her smile, his multi coloured eyes glittering. Annabelle felt warmth spreading through her body. She agreed and they began heading towards he cafeteria. 'Don't go near him. I'm warning you.' Startled she spun around. There were plenty of students in the corridor, but one looked like they may have uttered those words. "What just happen?" she asked herself. Daniel touched her arm, eyes filled with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" Her heart was still racing but she managed a smile, "Yeah, it's nothing. Let's go."

Gabe, Mike and Coral were waiting for them at one corner of the school grounds when they returned from the cafeteria, Annabelle nursing a cup of steaming coffee in her hands. Daniel had insisted on carrying her books. She thought he was really sweet. "Annabelle have you heard the news?" Coral inquired. "There's a bonfire tomorrow night! Isn't it great?" "Uh....." was all she got to say before the boisterous blond rushed on. "Plus it's a theme! You need to dress up as something. I think I'll go as a nymph or perhaps a fairy," Coral said breathlessly. What about you?" Annabelle shrugged non commitally, her mind already looking for an excuse to not attend the bonfire. Daniel found himself gazing at her in admiration. He did not think she needed to dress up as anything. "She looks like a Greek goddess already," he reflected. Her jet black hair and ocean blue eyes were striking against her pale, creamy skin, captivating the observer's attention immediately.

Out of the corner of his eye, Daniel noticed a certain, dark haired man, glaring at him. Daniel smirked at Zander. Even from afar, he heard the growl that originated from Zander's throat. 'Leave her.' Zander's eyes were coal black, silver lines tracing their way to the pupil. 'Make me.' Daniel's eyes were challenging and discreetly, he scooted closer to Annabelle while she chatted with the others.

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