Chapter 13~New Girl

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*Skip to Saturday*

~Liam's P.O.V~

It's Saturday I should text Abby and see if she wanted to do something. I pick up my phone and text her....

Me~ Hey you wanna hang out today?

Abby~Yeah but what about...u know!

Me~Don't worry we'll figure something out.

Abby~ Ok meet me at school in 5 minutes.

Me~ Ok see you then

Abby~ Ok see you there

I get in my car and drive to the school. I sit in my car and wait minutes later Abby pulls up and park beside me.

I get out of my car and walk over to hers amd open the door.

"Thanks!" She says stepping out of the car.

We walk into the school and head to my class room on the way there I tell her that we were just going to hang out here because I didn't want anyone to see us. She agreed and when we go to my room I unlocked the door and we walked in. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. She looks up at me and   kiss her head.

~Abby's P.O.V~

I feel my phone vibrate and I pull it out of my was Haley.

Haley~ Hey I have bad news!


Haley~My mom is taking me back home because she doesn't think this is a good school for me!

Me~ Omg.....Well I'm kinda busy can I text you later?

Haley~Yeah I'm leaving tomorrow....i'm on my way to quit my job.


I put my phone in my pocket and me and Liam sit down at the desks and start to talk....

~New Girl's P.O.V~

I'm so happy! WCU ACCEPTED ME!!! They got a new opening and now i get to go!! I packed my bags and did my night routine and then went to bed to be ready for tomorrow.

*The next day*

I get ready and run downstairs. I kiss my mom bye and hop in my car. I head to WCU. When I arrive i try to find my dorm room but I get so confused and end up on the other side of hall C.

I finally reach the hall when I start to walk down it I bump into a girl.

"I'm so sorry I'm new and i was just trying to find my room." I explain.

"Oh you must be replacing Haley." She says.

"Do you know where room 8 is?" I ask.

"Yeah its right across the hall from me! You'll be sharing a room with Abby. She's really nice." She informs me.

"I never got your name....I'm Maddie!" She says.

"Oh I'm Jasmine!" I say.

Me and Maddie walk to my room I start to unpack and Maddie helps me.

" I'll be right back!" she says walking out of the room.

~Destiny's P.O.V~

I walk into my room and seconds later Maddie walks in.

"Hey!' I say.

"Hey come over to Abby's dorm and meet the new girl!" Maddie says.

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