• Player x Veteran

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Sorry for not posting much! I had work to do :( . I'm doing this ship again 'cause it's my OTP!

Warning: Bad grammar


Player's POV


I am tired of losing so much times, Bro's bulling is getting on my nerves, Mr. Cheese's always bickers me of how I lose so many times and how he is better than anyone. TheGentleman was tired of how his boyfriend bullies me, so he pulled Mr. Cheese away. Today, I feel lonely and drained. Veteran isn't in the lobby yet, so I went to take a break. In my room, I looked at the mirror. I looked like a boy who hasn't sleep in a year. 


I think I accidentally slept on the floor 'cause everyone's staring at me, looked like they are trying to wake me up. 

"Hey loser, we waited for hours for you to wake up, you wasted our time."

Then Mr. Cheese declared, "Yeah, we could've start the game without him!"

"Guys, calm down, he's awake! We can start the game now!" Captain said.

When he was about to start the game, Veteran joined. He didn't say anything, which is kinda weird because he usually talks to me when he joins, and the game started.


Crewmate. Veteran walked away which is weirder since he always do tasks with me.. except when one of us were the impostor. Once again, for the 100th time, I went to do my tasks. I went next to Admin to fix wires, download in Navigation, and filling gas in storage. I had the rest of the tasks in electrical, which is the 1# place to get killed by. I hate electrical because it had a task right next to a vent I need to do sometimes. I carefully check to see if someone's lurking or stalking me before I went in. 


I finished 2 of the tasks in electrical. I just need one more. I thought. But I can't do the last task and drift into Veteran. What if he's mad at me for doing something wrong? What if.... what if he's mad at me for being a bad friend?? No no, I can't be a bad friend to him! We literally became friends about 11 months ago! I still need to finish my task. Before I can do it, someone had found a dead body.

Dead body reported

"Noo, my prince's dead in Admin!" Mr. Cheese said while crying. Then he began saying in a low "meanish" voice. "Which one of you killed my prince.."

"I sus Player, since he's quiet the whole and was in Admin!" Gnome exclaimed. 

"Me too bro." Stoner said. Geez.. are these people just susing me just because I had the color red?? Some people said that red was the cursed color.. but not me.

"I-it wasn't me I s-swear!" I stuttered. Ugh. Now I'm very sus.

"Everyone who wants to vote off Player in this cold, empty, not-so-good dark void say, "Aye!"


I sighed, admitting defeat and knowing that I had lost again.

Player was not an impostor.

    2 impostors remaining. 

I fly over to Veteran, who is an impostor. He killed Poopyfarts96 and self reported.

Dead body reported

"I found a dead body of Poopyfarts in Navigation."

"Hmm. Interesting. I saw Mother in Navigation." Bro exclaimed.


"No, guys, it wasn't me! I wouldn't kill in front of my children!" Mother said.

"Everyone who thinks it's Mother say, "Aye." Stoner slowly said.

"B-But what about my chi-" Before she even said it, she got ejected.

Mother was not an impostor.

     2 impostors remaining.



Veteran manage to win himself with 6 other crewmates. I finally got to Veteran and we talked. But I kept blushing, which I don't know what to do. I have been doing that a few weeks. I don't know why I am blushing. I decided to talk to my sister about it. 


I decided to talk to Dum now. I knocked on the door a few times and she opens it. 

"Oh, hey bro! What do you want?" She asked.

I answered, "I just wanna talk to you about something."

"Sure! What do ya wanna talk about?"

"So I think I'm sick or something because I kept blushing and um like feel a little warm when I go near Veteran? It has been happening a few weeks ago."

"Hmmmm... wait... oh!" She started giggling.

"You're not sick, bro! You're gay! You love him!"

After I heard that, I was a bit surprise. "I mean you might be right.."

Dum was squealing very hard and I had to calm her down.

"You should confess it to him!!" I don't know if I can do that because it could break my friendship with Veteran. It has happened before with me and Noob, and I still have the scars from her..

"I-I don't think I can... I don't want to risk our friendship.." I said in a sad tone.

"Oh come on! Just try! Who knows?" She said, trying to encourage me.


After all that, I had the courage to confess. I went to sleep since it's midnight.


Time: 4:23 A.M.

I woke up with a nightmare about Veteran rejecting me. I was shaken by that but it's just a dream. I heard a sound outside of my room. I decide to go and see what's happening. Nobody should be awake at this time though.. When I step out, I heard something coming from Veteran's room. I got closer and open ajar of the door. I opened a little bit open. Veteran caught me slowly opening the door and he swung the door wide open.


"Oh hi, Player.. what are you doing at this hour?" Veteran yawned.

"I just had a nightmare and heard something so I went investigate and here I am." I said.

"Ohhh.. sorry for making you come in here."

"And what are you doing at this hour???"

Veteran's POV

I answered, "I just couldn't sleep."

Then all of the sudden, Player close the door behind him and sighed. "Veteran, I want to tell you something." What does he want to tell me? Does he want to end our friendship?? Is he leaving???

"Veteran I don't know if you do, b-but I-I love y-you.."

"..." I don't even know what to say anymore. He loves me???

"I knew it.." He sighed and walked out.

Player's POV

He didn't say anything after I confessed to him. Maybe he hates me now.. I sighed and walked out. But before I step out, he pulled me back and confessed, "I love you too." And he kissed me. I, of course kissed back. It's better than having a win of among us.


I'M DONE! Hope ya'll enjoy it and I'll probably post more sooner.. bai bai for now!

• 1138 words

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