Chapter 5

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Bendy had teleported the two into a random hallway. "Where are we?" Henry asked.
"I dunno, just a hallway. I thought maybe we could walk around a bit." Bendy shrugged, looking off to the side.
"Why?" Henry asked, tilting his head and smiling.
"W-well find an exit! Yes, to find an exit." Bendy said, not sounding too sure. In reality, he just wanted to spend time with Henry, but was too shy to admit it.
Henry saw right through his lie and just smiled and patted the demons arm. "Alright, but I doubt we'd find one, and even if we did we still probably can't leave." He said.
"True." Bendy said. The two became silent as they started walking down hallway after hallway though the studio.
After a while, Henry spoke, "I'm sorry." He said quietly. Bendy stopped walking for a second and looked at him.
"What? Why?" He asked, confused as to why Henry would be sorry.
"For everything. For what Joey did to everyone, for not putting up more of a fight when I got fired, for everyone's ruined lives. It all started with a drawing, and now it's a nightmare. If only I hadn't wanted to be an artist." Henry sighed. He was obviously mad at himself.
"Don't you dare say that! None of this is your fault, it's Joey's fault. You didn't know he was going to be a psychopathic asshole!" Bendy pointed out.
      "I know, but if I had just-"
      "NO! Shh! None of that!" Bendy interrupted, putting a finger over Henry's lips to shush him.
      "But Bendy-"
      Henry crossed his arms and glared at Bendy. "Can I just spea-"
      "You may only speak if it is about how amazing you are." Bendy grinned.
      Henry pursed his lips and said nothing. Bendy rolled his non-visible eyes. "Okay fine, be like that." Bendy booped Henry on the nose and continued walking down the hall.
      Henry glared after him, a light blush forming across his cheeks. He caught up to the demon and poked his side for revenge.
      Bendy let out a yelp of laughter before quickly covering his mouth and blushing in embarrassment. "Ah, I still remember where all your worst tickle spots are." Henry grinned.
      "Don't you dare Stein, I will throw ya to the lake hand." Bendy threatened.
      "Sure you will." Henry challenged, crossing his arms and grinning up at the demon.
      "Alright wise guy, ya asked for it!" Bendy tried grabbing the animator, but luckily for him he had experience with Bendy chasing him and knew how to dodge.
      He laughed as he ran down the hallways, Bendy gaining on him due to his laughter slowing him down.
      There was a split in the hallway and Henry chose left, only to be met with an almost instant dead end. Bendy slowly walked towards him.
      "Now I've got ya." He grinned widely, reaching towards the animator.
      Just as he was about to grab Henry, he was suddenly rammed in the side and hit the wall. He sank to the floor, shaking his head from where he'd slammed it.
      Allison and Tom stood over him. "You leave Henry alone!" Allison snapped.
      Tom and her grabbed Henry and ran, carrying him away. Bendy felt dizzy and his head hurt like hell, but he got up and tried running after them. He blacked out and collapsed to the floor, last thing he heard was Henry yelling his name.

I know it's a short chapter but I've been pretty damned busy lately and wanted to give you guys something, and I know I shouldn't be busy cuz it's summer but then again- That's the time for the most work on a farm because babiez chickens and ducks and turkeys. I actually used to have peacocks but a pack of wolves got them. It sucked. I miss them.

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