Chapter 6

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Bendy woke up, ears ringing. He shook his head and stood from his puddle of ink in the floor. He was lucky nothing had attacked him while he was knocked out.
He had to get Henry, he would not let those bastards take him away, not again. Never again.
Henry struggled against Thomas but he had been contained. Allison walked behind, continuously glancing around.
"Y'know I wasn't in danger, Bendy's good now...maybe not with you two, but yeah." Henry said.
"We know you weren't in danger, Henry." Allison sighed, looking sheepishly to the side.
"Then what the hell are you doing?!" Henry growled angrily, struggling against Tom. "Let me go!"
"I...we can't Henry. She'll kill us if we do. I'm sorry, we don't have a choice." Allison said. She refused to look Henry in the eye.
"She...? You don't mean..." Henry stared at her with a horrified look on his face.
"Alice." Allison said.
"This is ridiculous! She's more weak than Bendy, and you've taken her down easily before!" Henry shouted angrily.
"No. She's stronger now. So much stronger. Henry she...she's completed her face." Allison said.
Bendy didn't know where to search after completely and relentlessly tearing apart Allison's and Tom's old safe house.
He was starting to panic. He was walking around the inky halls and was met with a blinding light. There was an angered screech.
Bendy held a hand out and pushed Norman's projector head to the side. "Can it camera, I'm busy." Bendy snapped, then proceeded to keep searching.
Norman wasn't used to that kind of reaction and became very confused. "But...don't you hate me? Don't you always want to fight me when you see me?" Norman asked in confusion.
"That was only cuz you were near my Henry, I don't hate ya, jus don't want ya near Henry." Bendy said, not stopping or even looking at Norman.
"I-oh...that's actually nice to know, I thought everyone hated me..." Norman said. He continued to follow the demon who didn't seem to mind him tagging along.
Either he didn't care, or didn't notice. "He ain't down here by the way. I did hear someone screaming up by level nine I believe. Might be him, but it sounded more like angry shouting." Norman said.
Henry being kidnapped and yelling angrily at his knappers sounded about right to Bendy, so he created an ink portal, but hesitated for a second.
"Care to help me get him back?" He asked awkwardly.
"Not like I've got anything better to do, so sure." Norman shrugged. Bendy pushed him into the ink portal, following right behind.
They arrived at level nine just inside of the door to the angels lair. "He must be in here, I'll kill that dammed angel." Bendy growled, storming into the lair.
Norman hesitantly followed, not sure if he wanted to die or not. It's not like he was happy down here anyways, so if he died he could do it helping people. Or a demon. Totally the same thing.
Bendy cautiously peeked his head into the main room. Alice had a group of people belted down on tables. Three to be exact.
      There was Boris, Sammy, and Henry. Alice was sharpening tools and had her back faced to the demon. Norman turned his light off.
"Let us go Alice!" Henry shouted angrily, trying to wriggle out of his bounds. Alice continued to sharpen her tools.
"I don't think so. I'd get use out of you since you're already half transformed into an ink monster. I don't know what you are but you look like a mix between and angel and a demon, how awful to have horns and a tail like that compared to your lovely wings and halo." She said.
"I...I don't know what you're talking about, I don't have any of those things." Henry said.
Alice held out a small mirror to Henry. "Take a look, you've started to become an ink monster. You're just as trapped down here as I am." She grinned. Alice turned back to her tools.
"Why are you doing this?" Henry demanded, struggling to get out of his bounds. Alice slammed her fists on the counter she was at.
      "All I ever wanted was to be the perfect Angel you designed me to be. And I was. Until you LEFT! THIS ALL AROUND US? THIS IS YOUR FAULT HENRY! I'm practically perfect again, and I won't let you ruin that." She growled.
"This isn't you Alice. You would never do something like this." Henry said.
"Well people can change Henry. But you never did. WHY DID YOU LEAVE US?!" Alice screamed.
"I-" before Henry could answer, Bendy made a portal and appeared behind Alice.
He raised his clawed hand and bashed her over the head. Alice stumbled forwards and hit the floor. She rolled out of the way as Bendy slammed his claws into the ground, trying to attack her.
He then noticed Alice had a complete face. She grinned at the demon. "I'm more powerful than you now, filthy demon, and I won't let you stand in my way!" Alice shot back to her feet and grabbed hold of an axe that was leaning up against the table by her.
Bendy and Alice fought while Norman snook in and grabbed a saw to cut the bounds of the three on the tables.
Just as he was about to start sawing through Henry's bounds, Alice yelled for Allison and Tom to stop him.
They obeyed and grabbed Norman. He screeched and flashed his light as bright as he could right at their eyes. They turned their heads away and Tom got a wrench and knocked Norman out.
"Why are you idiots on her side?!" Sammy yelled. "It's a bad idea!"
"Clearly it's not, we're just trying to survive." Allison said. Henry felt hurt at those words. Bendy was loosing. Alice hit his shoulder and ink spewed out like blood. Bendy hissed in pain and stumbled away from the twisted angel.
She kicked him and he fell to the ground. At this point he was covered in gashes and wounds, and he couldn't get back up again.
      Alice held the axe above his head. "Looks like you're done for, demon!" She cackled.

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