Chapter 8

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      Henry and Boris explored a bit to look for bacon soup. They found a boarded off closet and Henry wished he had something to break it open with.
      "I'm pretty sure this was the old storage closet. If only we could get in there..." Henry trailed off and tried kicking at the door. It didn't budge.
      "Do you need any help?" A female voice asked from behind them. Henry and Boris turned to see Allison and Thomas, and behind them was Alice. She looked like she had been crying.
      Henry glared at them and waited a bit before saying anything. He wanted to see what they would say first.
      Allison sighed. "You have every right to be mad at us Henry, you're right. We're horrible people. We're cowards and pathetic. I just...I'm confused. We can't remember anything from before and it's all so damned confusing. I don't know how I should act because I'm scared of something I might do wrong. I'm so sorry, we all are." Allison felt her eyes well up with tears.
      "It's like we can't find ourselves, and in the desperate times we're in we try to understand who we are, and end up fucking up because of it." Alice said.
      "I hurt almost everybody because of something Joey did. I was blind with rage. I'm sorry, and I understand completely if you never forgive any of us." Alice sniffled.
      Quiet tears flowed down her face. Thomas whined to show he agreed with them, and he was also sorry.
      Henry let them brew in their guilt and sorrow for a few moments longer before stepping forwards and grouping them into a hug.
      "I know it's difficult, but you guys were like a family to me. You still are." Henry smiled.
      "Alright. Thomas, you're good at breaking down doors so can you break down this one? Me and Boris were trying to find supplies." Henry explained.
      Thomas nodded and smashed his metal fist into the door, the wooden boards splintering under the force.
Henry opened the damaged door and was surprised at what was in the room. It was another safe house.
The difference with this one was it was more like a full on big home for many people. "No way, when was this even in here?" Henry wondered.
He cautiously stepped inside. There were light switches that still worked in the main room which was big and square and had four couches around a wooden table.
In the centre of the table was a record player but it had no record in it. There were shelves on the sides of the room full of card games and bacon soup cans.
To the side of the room was another couch in front of a fireplace. On the other side was a bookshelf full of books of every kind.
There were two bedrooms, a kitchen with a working sink and stove, cupboards full of dishes and bacon soup, and a huge table that could seat twelve people.
Then there was also a working bathroom that had a sink and a shower, and clean but old looking towels.
"How is this here?! When-?!" Henry was bewildered with their find and overjoyed. "Boris we gotta get everyone and tell them what we found!" Henry said excitedly.
Boris nodded in agreement. The group started to travel back to the old safe house.
Sammy wasn't sure if this was right. He was keeping Norman warm so he would be fine, right? He felt tired laying here. But what if Norman woke up? That would be very embarrassing.
Sammy's eyes were half closed and the steady beat of Norman's heart made him start to drift off. He was almost asleep until he felt movement, then shot sitting straight up and off of Norman, who was awake and confused.
"What uh...what were you doing Sammy?" Norman asked. He tilted his projector head in confusion.
"Well, you got knocked out by Allison and Tom, then we beat them and came here, and me and Boris had to make sure you were alright but neither of us know how hurt people work, so Boris told me to keep you warm." Sammy explained awkwardly.
If he didn't have ink covering his face, Norman would be able to see him blushing. "That' That's not how that works." Norman chuckled.
"Oh," Sammy looked nervously down at his hands that rested in his lap. "Sorry." He apologized.
"Nah it's fine, I appreciate the cuddles." Norman would be smirking if he could. Sammy felt like he just died from embarrassment.
"O-oh." He stuttered, not sure what to say.
"You look tired Sammy." Norman said, leaning his projector head against the wall behind him.
"I'm fine." Sammy yawned. Norman got an idea. He wrapped his arms around the small man and pulled him so he was leaned against his chest again.
"W-wha-!" Sammy panicked. What was he doing?
"I don't remember exactly who you were, but I remember you used to be someone really special to me." Norman said.
Sammy froze. "Guess I'm not the only one who remembers that." Sammy smiled. He gave into Norman's embrace and the two fell asleep cuddling.
Bendy was supposed to be resting like Henry said, but whatever! It's not like Henry's a doctor! Bendy was starting to get worried when he didn't come back for a while. He paced in front of the door while the other two idiots slept behind him.
What if something happened? What if Alice and the others found him and attacked? What if he stupidly fell in a hole like many other times?
His worried thoughts were put to a stop when the door had a knock on it. It must've been Henry. Bendy wrenched on the lever so hard it almost broke.
He saw Henry for a split second and swept him up into a hug. "I was worried you were hurt or somethin!" Bendy said.
"Bendy...we were gone for fifteen minutes." Henry laughed, the demon hugging him close.
"Well it felt like years." Bendy complained. Henry smiled at how much Bendy worried.
"Drama queen." Henry laughed. "Now put me down we've got something exciting to tell you." Henry grinned.
Bendy could tell it was something good at how excited Henry looked. He then realized that Alice, Tom, and Allison were there. Boris was standing beside Alice and grinned at Bendy.
"What are they doing here?" Bendy demanded, pulling Henry behind him for safety.
"Don't worry bud, I'll explain..." Henry began to explain what had happened.

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