Chapter 14

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"It'll help."
"I don't care."
"Fine, die then."
"Well that's a bit excessive."
"Well you won't heal your dammed arm if you don't let me help you, Bendy!" Henry and Bendy were sitting on their bed, Henry trying to give Bendy some soup. However, the demon didn't want it.
Sure, he liked bacon soup, but he just didn't eat it out of pride and spite. Also he found Henry quite cute when he got frustrated.
"It'll heal with time, Hen." Bendy responded, booping the animator on his nose. "And it's not like I could die by brakin my arm." He added.
"Actually, that entirely depends on whether your arm is infected or-" Henry was cut off by the demon slapping a hand over his mouth.
"Okay, I get it doctor Stein, no need ta give me a lecture." Bendy teased, ruffling the animators hair.
"If you end up dying from an infection, I'm going to bring you back to life so I can kill you again." Henry huffed, crossing his arms.
"Well that's kind hearted." Bendy said expressionlessly. Henry let out an annoyed little huff and kissed the demon on the cheek.
"I hate you." He said. Bendy grinned and leaned his head on top of Henry's soft hair.
    "I love ya." The demon responded. Henry pursed his lips to hide a smile. Bendy was such an annoying idiot sometimes.
"Eat your god damned soup." Henry held the bowl of bacon soup to Bendy's face.
"Fiiiinnneee, if it'll make ya happy." Bendy sighed, taking the bowl from the animator.
"Good." Henry said, patting him on the head. Bendy let out a purr at the pets. Henry retracted his hand with a startled look on his face. "Since when could you purr?" He asked curiously, resuming petting the demon.
"I dunno, I don't control it." Bendy shrugged. Henry gave a smirk. "No, not like a stupid cat." Bendy chucked.
      "Alright then, get some rest my little devil darling, you'll heal quicker if you do." Henry gave him a small but loving kiss before leaving the demon alone.
      Bendy slumped in the bed when the door closed. He hated being alone, loneliness didn't have a nice history with him.
      At least he knew ink mended him much more quickly than a human, so he should be good as new within the next day. Bendy sighed. He already missed Henry.
      While Bendy sat and sulked in loneliness in his room, Henry went to go check on the others. He went into the living room of the safe house and saw Allison, Thomas, Boris, and Alice all playing a card game.
      Henry sat down on one of the couches beside Alice and asked what game they were playing. "Oh, Allison was teaching us a game called Crazy Eights. It's quite fun!" The little angel grinned. Boris nodded in agreement.
      "Ah, I've played once or twice before I think." Henry said. He watched them play, wishing Bendy was well enough to come play with them.
      "Well, I'm going to go find Norman and Sammy." Henry declared. "See what they're up to."
      "I believe they're outside the safe house in the hallway." Alice said.
      "Thanks." Henry responded, making his way to the door and going out. He stopped when he saw Norman and Sammy standing together and staring up at the ceiling.
Henry walked up to the duo. "What are you guys doing?" He asked. He noticed they were wearing some of the costume stuff, like skirts and plastic jewelry.
"Well, we were playing a game. We were playing pass with an ink heart and whoever dropped it had to put on a piece of costume, like one of these plastic necklaces or bracelets, or a skirt or dress." Norman explained.
"Yeah, but Norman launched the damned thing into the ceiling so hard it got stuck there." Sammy chuckled, pointing upwards to an abused looking ink heart stuck on the ceiling.
"Now we're just...waiting." Norman said, the two boys still staring up at it, waiting for it to fall.
"Okay...well the studio isn't exactly the most sturdy building, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually just got caught on a nail or chunk of splintered wood." Henry said, the two tearing their eyes away from the heart to look at him.
"Maybe." Sammy shrugged, looking back up. Norman still stared off down the hall. A puddle had formed a searcher and the creature slowly started crawling towards them, still incredibly far away.
"Stupid thing. I hate searchers." Norman muttered. There was a splat as the ink heart finally fell, right on top of Norman's head.
Sammy and Henry laughed at him. Norman squinted at them and grabbed the ink heart from his head, throwing it as hard as he could to one side.
It smacked into the searcher so hard that it was propelled backwards and disintegrated. The three looked at the splatter of ink on the floor for a few seconds before returning to their conversation.
      "Guess we can continue our game, huh Norm?" Sammy grinned a teasing smile.
      "I'm going to throw that ink heart at you next." Norman huffed, turning around to hide his grin as he went to collect the battered ink heart.
      "Okay then, I'm gonna go uh...for a walk." Henry said. He made a mental note to himself as he walked off down the hall. 'Never ask what Norman and Sammy are doing.'

Yes, this still exists. Probably gonna end soon, but you never know.

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