Part 1

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The halls of Hogwarts castle were silent. The sun had set and the crescent shaped moon brought a soothing glow through the large glass windows casting beautiful shadows against a blank wall. The quiet was peaceful and haunting in a lovely way. Remus sighed to himself; he could get used to this peace. No distractions, no chaos, no—

"Merlin's creaky old knee," Sirius sang loudly, his tenor filling up the dark hallways.

"Merlin's cataract filled baby blue eyes," Lily countered, her voice down-to-earth and full of wit.

"Merlin's slightly bouncy and surprisingly round left butt cheek."

"Merlin's suspiciously phallic looking birthmark on his right collar bone."


"MERLIN, WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!" Remus shouted, effectively ending the game.

"Ha, I win!" Lily smirked, rubbing her hands together gleefully. "My Merlin was the last straw."

Sirius shook his head as he disagreed vehemently, "I'm pretty sure Merlin's butt cheek was Moony's last straw."

"Nuh-uh." Lily crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at the boy.

"Yuh-huh," Sirius shot back before turning to his friend. "Moony, which Merlin caused your loud outburst?"

"Both your Merlins are making me lose my mind," Remus grumbled, as he used two fingers to massage his temple.

"Aww, Remus," Lily cooed. "I know you're trying to be nice and all, but you have to pick a winner."

"Yeah, Moony. Tell her that I won."

"Why'd you invite Padfoot to our prefect rounds again?" Remus asked while the three of them turned to enter the next corridor.

Sirius sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he walked on the other side of him.

"Wait." Lily scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, turning her gaze up to the exasperated wolf. "I didn't invite him. I thought you did."

"Why would I—"

"Both of you didn't invite me," Sirius interrupted. "James did."

"He's not even here and how could James invite you to a thing he's not even a part of?" Lily asked with a slight twinge of annoyance. If James had invited Sirius, the least he could have done was show up with him.

"He wanted me to ask you out—"

"Oh, Sirius!" Lily gasped dramatically, clasping her hands together and jumping like an excited schoolgirl. "I'd love to go out with you!"

"—on his behalf."

Lily pouted. "Shame." A part of her did wish James was there with them just so she could continue teasing Sirius in front of him and see how he would react. That and... no other reason.

Sirius made a face at Lily and she reciprocated the look. Remus, who was stuck between the two of them, rolled his eyes at their childish antics.

However annoyed Remus looked, he truly did enjoy their company, even though he would never admit it. Even when the three of them walked in silence, which was rare, it was a comfortable silence and he felt he could relax in their presence. Silence was—

"You know," Lily thought out-loud, rubbing her cheek, "We never did get a second date."

Ah, and there went the gold.

Sirius's eyes widened and he tried to discreetly shake his head, so as to not concern Remus, who was right beside the two of them.

"Second date?" Remus asked Lily. "What are you talking about?"

Laughing nervously before Lily could answer, Sirius said, "She's just joking. Right, Lily? Cause we never dated. That... that would be insane." He gave her a pointed look and there was murder in his eyes.

"Oh," Lily realized that she may have misspoken. "Yeah, no, I was just joking because this is like our first date, ha ha."

"Right, ha, ha, Evans. You. Are. So. Funny." Sirius sounded like he was reading off a script, his smile so strained it could have been pasta that was done boiling.

He sighed for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Remus said, "It's too late at night for this. I'm going to bed. Enjoy your second date or whatever."

"No, no!" Sirius quickly corrected, waving his arms like a madman. "No dates! Because Evans and I have never ever dated."

Lily made a non-committal sound and looked out into the distance as they approached the end of their rounds and the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room. Remus was quick to walk up the stairs to the boy's dormitory leaving Sirius and Lily alone at the bottom.

Once the young werewolf was out of earshot, Sirius whirled around to face the red-haired girl. "What the fuck, Evans?" he hissed dramatically.

"How was I supposed to know you didn't tell him?" Lily hissed back. "I was just joking!"

"Like you told anyone about us," the boy spit out, his pointer finger sticking out at her accusingly.

She batted the finger away. "Of course I didn't tell anyone about us. That's embarrassing. But I—"

"Oh, so you can be embarrassed of me, but I can't be embarrassed of you?" Sirius said sarcastically, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, exactly!" At Sirius's annoyed huff, she continued, "I mean, maybe not back then, but now you have this reputation of being... you know..."

"Being what, Evans?"

"Being... um... promiscuous!" Lily exclaimed.

"Promiscuous?" Sirius repeated back slowly.

"What? Is that too big of a word for you?"

"At least I'm not a prude like you," he shot back.





"Ugh," Lily rolled her eyes. "I can't believe I ever dated you."

"Shh!" Sirius panicked, "Not so loud!"

"There's no one here!"


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy reading my fic! Please don't forget to leave a vote if you do! :)

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