Part 7

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"Oops." Okay, so maybe Marlene needed to work on her whispering skills.

Lily smiled sheepishly, shuffling her feet awkwardly. "Uh..."

"That's right!" Sirius's eyes widened in realization. "They said you thought James was handsome and wonderful and you liked his butt!"

"Shut up, Black!"

Rather than turn into the cocky shmuck everyone thought he would become when Lily reciprocated his feelings, James had become noticeably shy and bashful.

"Look at that," Alice cooed pointing out the couple. "They're both turning red."

"Do you guys mind?" Lily shot at them.

"Sorry, sorry," Marlene apologized, but the giant grin on her face said otherwise. "We'll be quiet."

But the three attentive friends did not make an effort to leave, choosing to stay and watch the new potential relationship blossom.

Realizing what he still had clutched in his hand, James held out his hand and presented Lily with the gift he meant to place on her pillow.

Lily took the single blue iris and brought it to her chest, close to her heart. "It's beautiful. Thank you, James."

James nodded once, tucking his lower lip to keep his smile from breaking his face. "You're welcome."

"So, uh..." Lily started and James added a, "Well, I..."

"Merlin's arthritic two left feet!" Sirius exclaimed in frustration. "Just ask each other out and kiss already!"

"Hmm," Lily said, her blush slowly fading, while being replaced with a playful gaze. "I've always wondered what it would feel like to kiss the sexiest Marauder."

"Uh, that's me, right?" James asked for clarification.

Sirius scoffed at that earning an elbow to the gut by Marlene, while Alice snorted, "Good thing she isn't into the smartest Marauder."

Humming in agreement, Lily stood on her tiptoes to reach for him and her arms curled around the back of his neck as fingers twisted together with the blue flower between them. Once she had him in her sights, she brought him down for a searing kiss. After hesitating for only a moment, James moved his hands to her waist, letting it rest daintily before gripping harder and pulling her closer to him.

Their mouths fit perfectly together and their bodies moved in sync, like it was molded for each other. They could have stayed like that forever, but the sounds of whooping and cheering had them coming back up for air.

James felt like he was floating on the clouds and Lily felt like she could run a marathon.

She didn't know kissing could feel that good and she wished she could do it a million more times.

"You know, Prongs," Sirius said off-handedly. "You're lucky that Lily and I got that terrible first kiss over with and out of the way cause now you get the final product."

James, now broken out of his daze, sent a withering look his way. "Don't push it, mate," he said gruffly, before one of his hands left his place on Lily's waist and found its way into her silky red hair. He ran a hand through it, admiring the soft feel of what had once been the unreachable object of his affections and dreams, still unable to fully comprehend what was happening. Then, with a spark of courage, he used that hand to tilt her head up and bring his lips down for another glorious kiss.

One that lasted longer and was even more intrusive as they began to explore parts of each other's mouths.

It had gotten to the point where Alice and Marlene had to turn away, citing classes as the excuse to leave the disgustingly cute public display of affection. Sirius folded up the Invisibility Cloak, which had fallen to the floor in James's excitement to kiss the girl of his dreams, and prepared to go back to bed to get a few more hours of rest after the early morning excitement.

But before he left, he knew he had to get in one more jab at his future sister-in-law, so in a classic Sirius manner, he coughed and crinkled his nose. "That is disgusting. Don't be so promiscuous, Lily."

Lily parted from James for just a second, letting out a half-hearted, "Don't be such a prude, Sirius," before going right back in for another kiss from James.

While he loved seeing his friends so happy, there was only so much smooches Sirius could bear to see before he had to bleach his eyes. He made his way up the stairs to the boy's dormitory, tossing the Cloak to the nearby bed, and crashed into his own bed to finally get a good nap in.

Now that the secret behind his and Lily's first (and only) date was out in the open, there was absolutely no secrets between him and James.

That morning, he and James had gone into the girl's dormitory with a singular mission to leave a blue flower for Lily. That mission had then turned into skeletons from third year being exposed and completely exaggerated for someone's twisted pleasure. Sirius smirked against his pillow, realizing how well Lily had managed to prank the pranksters by convincing them that she was actually in love with Sirius. He could finally (kind of) understand why James was so enamored by the fiery red-head.

After all the secrets that were exposed, it may have killed the poor stag, Sirius thought to himself, but satisfaction certainly brought him back.

The End

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