Part 3

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While Lily had a restful and uneventful night ahead of her, Sirius, on the other hand, had a much more exciting situation to look forward to when he reached his dorm.

He yawned, prepared to brush his teeth and curl under the covers, but as soon as he opened the door, bright hazel eyes stared at him from the bed.

Any other person would have jumped at the sight of James Potter so eager and alert at such a late hour, but at this point in their lives, Sirius was used to James's random, untimely bouts of energy.

"What are you doing still awake, Prongs?" Sirius asked, yawning again.

"I have a plan," James said with the excitement of a five year old.

"Nooo," Remus mumbled from under his covers. "Go to sleep."

"Relax, Moony," James said, "I know you have class in the morning. It's just gonna be me and Sirius tomorrow."

"Oh, goody." Remus rolled around again and snuggled deeper into his blanket.

Sirius belly-flopped onto James's bed and hugged one of the red and gold pillows. "Just you and me, huh?" He peeked one eye open and caught James in one of his faraway lovesick dreamlands.

The dog Animagus could always tell when his friend was thinking of Lily Evans because of that ridiculous face he made when he thought of her. It was surprising that Sirius was the one who turned into a dog every full moon because James had completely mastered the lovesick puppy look.

"What are we doing to Evans this time?" Sirius asked wearily.

"I figured out how to get into the girls' dormitory," James said matter-of-factly.

Now this woke Sirius right up. "Woah, hold up," he said immediately. "We are not breaking into the girls' dorm."

"For once, I agree with Sirius," Remus's sleepy voice mumbled.

"Go back to sleep, Moony," James instructed. "I can't deal with your logic right now."

"Then allow me to take over," Sirius said, "There's a reason the girls' rooms are charmed, James. It's so creepy people like you don't break in!"

"Oh, come on, Pads! The girls come into our dorms all the time!" James gave him a pointed look, Sirius's promiscuity coming into play once again. Sirius pursed his lips, still uncomfortable with the situation, so James continued with his explanation of the plan. "Look, we wait until all the girls in Lily's room leave and then we go in using the Invisibility Cloak and I leave a single blue iris on her pillow. It's not like we're gonna see anything."

Waiting for the rest of his plan, Sirius got into a sitting position and leaned back against James's bedframe beside the lovesick boy. When James made no sound, Sirius raised a single eyebrow. "That's... it?"

"Yeah, good plan, right?" James said excitedly, with absolutely no sarcasm in his tone.

Luckily, Remus took over in the sarcasm department. "Absolutely brilliant. Nothing could ever go wrong with that plan."

Taking the pillow from Sirius's grasp, James chucked it at Remus, hearing it thud softly on the back of his head. "Don't you have class tomorrow? Go to sleep!"

"I'm trying," Remus growled, tossing the pillow back in the direction it came from with his eyes still closed, "But my idiot roommate is concocting a terrible plan to woo the girl that has shown no romantic interest in him for the past five years by breaking into her room and leaving an anonymous, random flower, which she is either gonna think is from you because you're actually obsessed with her or from a crazy, random stalker, and honestly, by the looks of it, those two options are kinda looking like the same damn person."

James blinked two times before responding, "It's not a random flower. Blue irises are her favorite kind of flower and I think Lily would appreciate that I took the time to learn that about her. We've really been bonding and talking a lot more outside of class, you know. She even laughed at one of my jokes and she chose to sit next to me during Potions and one time, she complimented me on my hair and then—"

"Iris you would shut up!" Another voice grumbled across the room to the delusional boy.

"Oo, nice one, Wormsy!" Sirius exclaimed loudly warranting another groan from Remus.

"Now look at that, you've woken up, Peter! You know how he gets in the morning when he hasn't gotten his full ten hours."

"Do you think I should leave a note beside the flower?" James asked. "Then it wouldn't be anonymous and—"

"Fine, fine! We'll do it, we'll do it! Just let me go to sleep!" Sirius begged.

"Alright!" James celebrated, throwing an arm around his friend. "I knew I could count on you, Pads!"

"Yeah, yeah." Immediately turning off the lights, Sirius got up from James's bed and curled into his own. Yawning for the last time before sleep overtook him, Sirius prepared for lovely dreams of motorcycles and women and...

"Roses are red, violets are blue.

Date me, Evans, I'm crazy for you."

The Marauders' responses were less than stellar:



"Take out the 'for you' part."

James huffed, scratching out his impromptu poem and starting from scratch. "Everyone's a critic."

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