Part 5

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As soon as they were properly hidden, the door burst open and the three girls walked in.

"I'm just saying," Marlene said casually, walking to her bed. She plopped on the mattress and pulled out her makeup and a round mirror from her bedside drawer. "Saying you prefer tall guys when you're the size of a house elf is just selfish."

"Oh, piss off, McKinnon. I am not that short!" Alice exclaimed.

Lily chuckled. "Compared to Frank you are."

"I know," Alice said dreamily, as thoughts of Frank filled her mind. "He's so sweet and tall and—"

"Enough," Marlene sassed. "I can't take any more gushy talk of romance!"

"Oh, hush. Nothing even happened this morning! And I can't believe we have to miss breakfast because you forgot your notebook," Lily groaned.

"Hey, I got the book." Alice waved her school supply taking a seat on the same bed as Marlene. She laid down on a fluffy pink pillow and closed her eyes. "Now it's just Marley who's distracting us."

"I can't come back to our room and not refresh my makeup. Speaking of," Marlene waved around her brush, silently offering up her makeup expertise to the red-haired girl. "We can doll you up for—"

"He doesn't even take morning classes," Lily interrupted, walking to her closet to organize it so she could keep herself busy. "And neither are we if you don't hurry up."

Sirius and James shirked away as she was nearing their hiding spot. James accidently squashed Sirius's foot as he backed up and the boy had to bite his tongue to keep from yelping.

"Alright, alright," Marlene returned her gaze to the mirror so she could properly apply her blush. "You're so high-strung. We really need to get you laid."

Pausing in her cleaning, Lily sniffed once. Then again. She turned her head towards the corner of her room, exactly where the two Marauders were. She tilted her head to the side and squinted as she surveyed the empty spot beside her closet.

James and Sirius stilled completely, not daring to move an inch. There was no way Lily could see them. No way at all.

"Hmm," Lily thought to herself before her eyes lit up and she broke out into a wide grin. "You're so right, Marley. I do need to get laid."

Alice's head popped up from her resting spot. "Wait, what?"

"Yep," Lily nodded affirmatively. "And I know the perfect guy—"

"Oh, we know, sweetheart," Alice said.

"—The sexiest Marauder—"

Marlene rolled her eyes. "Here we go again."

"—Sirius. Orion. Black." Lily leaned towards her two gaping roommates, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "You won't believe what that boy can do with his hands."

Behind the cloak, it was like time had stopped. Sirius could feel James stiffen and his own heart shutter. If they had been still before, they were now turned to stone.

What the bloody hell was Lily Evans saying?

Now it was Marlene's turn to be in shock. "Wait, what?"

"Oh, yeah, Sirius Black is a great snogger. I wouldn't mind Seven Minutes in Heaven with him, if you know what I mean."

"I really don't think there's any other way to interpret what you mean, but I'm really trying," Marlene said, her makeup all but forgotten.

"How do you even know if he's a good snogger?" Alice asked, scooting forward so she and Marlene were shoulder to shoulder. Both girls' attention was solely focused on what Lily had to say next.

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