Part 2

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No one had been there to witness their first date either.

It had been three years since Lily Evans and Sirius Black went on that first (and only) date. Two third year students, who had no clue about love and dating, agreed to hang out at Hogsmeade together when all of their other friends were too busy and they both ended up actually having a good time.

They visited Zonko's Joke Shop and Lily had even helped Sirius pick out and plan a few of the next pranks that the Marauders would get into. Then, they told each other stories about what they believed was in the Shrieking Shack and while Lily's had more serious theories, Sirius seemed to be content with coming up with wild fantasies that could never be true. At the final stop, they got some ice cream, which Sirius, ever the gentleman, had paid for.

Honestly, Lily would have never considered it a date until the last minute when the two of them had sat out in the sun enjoying their ice cream cones. Some of the remaining licks of mint chocolate chip ice cream found its way on Lily's cheek and Sirius had reached out to wipe it away with his thumb.

Letting his hand rest on her cheek, Sirius had gulped nervously and Lily didn't realize she had moved in closer and closer until she watched his eyes close. Her own eyes fluttered shut and then their noses squashed into each other and their teeth knocked together.


Teeth on teeth action.

It was her first kiss, and she suspected it was Sirius's as well. The two of them had absolutely no idea what they were doing and the kiss lasted maybe three seconds.

Lily was the first to pull away, pupils dilated in shock, and Sirius had a similar dumbfounded expression on his face.

They didn't talk about that moment during their entire walk back to the castle. In fact, they didn't talk at all. Every time one person looked at the other, they turned a bright red hue and looked forward again, too embarrassed to confront the issue of their terrible first kiss.

Like the naïve child she was, she thought that once they reached the castle, they could go their separate ways and never have to be near each other again, despite them living in close quarters and having all the same classes.

She expected to go to the Dining Hall, grab a light dinner, and then get some homework done before turning in for the night. What she had not expected was confetti exploding above her, doves being released, flowers falling from the ceiling, and James Potter in all his pompous glory.

In the middle of the Dining Hall, thirteen year old James stood proudly on a table holding a single red rose.

Behind him was a banner with the giant words: LILY EVANS, WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?

The word 'shocked' felt trivial in light of the situation. James Potter was cocky and annoying and Lily never got the feeling that he liked her very much. He always teased her and—

She realized James was still looking at her expectantly, as were the students in the hall who were trying to know what her answer was so that they could get back to their meals in peace.

"So, Evans?" James asked with a bright and hopeful smile.

Her first thought was that this was an elaborate prank. She imagined the Marauders brainstorming and planning out the trick with James, Remus, and Peter staying back at the castle to help set up the 'romantic' gesture, while Sirius whisked her away to Hogsmeade to distract her.

But if Sirius was only there to keep her occupied, why did he kiss her? A little inkling of doubt found its way into her mind and she wondered if James was actually being genuine. His eyes shined brightly and he had a pure smile and— Still, the memory of the terrible first kiss between the other Marauder was still fresh on her mind and—

"I'm sorry, Potter," was her final answer.

There was a spattering of gasps throughout the hall and Lily saw Sirius stiffen from the corner of her eye. She didn't remember much after that. James didn't make a scene when he got down from the table and she couldn't recall if James had said anything to her after the rejection, but she could still clearly remember the guilty look on Sirius's face.


Tonight was the first time Lily and Sirius had ever mentioned that Hogsmeade date after three years of absolute silence on the topic. She had not spoken a word about it to anyone and clearly, Sirius had not as well.

It was normal for a first kiss to be pretty terrible, but Lily could still remember how her teeth knocked into his so painfully and how their noses probably made out more than they did.

With more practice under her belt, Lily had definitely improved her skills at the art of making out, so she could make her thirteen year old self proud. But while Lily Evans just had some practice at making out, Sirius Black was the grand master of mouth to mouth action. She wasn't joking when she said Sirius was more than a little promiscuous... but that didn't make her a prude!

Lily went to bed that night with the memories of third year replaying in her mind.

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