The Attack at U.S.J

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The game is set and all the players are here. Aizawa is fighting the huge group of villains downstairs trying to buy time so his student could escape and get help but before they reach the door Kurogiri appears in front of them with Red Spark as well. Something Aizawa noticed but it was too late.

Aizawa: Damn, I blink and the two are the most trouble got behind me.

As Aizawa was finishing off one of the villains he tried to run to his class but there's too many surrounding him for him to get to them.

Izuku: Hello students of U.A academy, it is such a pleasure to meet you. I hope you've enjoyed your days of earth, for this will be your grave.

Kurogiri: There is no way, It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the league of villains. I know it's quite rude but we've decided to invite ourselves into the haven of justice to say hello. And beside isn't a place quite fitting for All-Might the symbol of peace to take his last breath. But it appears that he isn't so there must have been a change of plans, well I guess it doesn't matter.

As Kurogiri was talking Thirteen opened up one of her finger caps without him noticing although Izuku saw it clearly and pulled out his dagger and stuck it in the ground. But someone also had their on him too and that would be Kasumi who was in shock to see her friend she thought was dead. And out of impulse both her or Kirishima charged towards ready to attack while she screams out the name she knows him by.

Kasumi: DEKU!!

As the area became covered both Kasumi and Kirishima got up ready to fight.

Kirishima: You honestly didn't think we were just going to stand around and let you tear this place to shed.

Kasumi *thought*: Deku, Where the hell are you?

Izuku: My My you certainly live to your school reputation, but you should be prepared if you're the first ones to strike, assume nothing and expect everything. Kurogiri, scatter them.

Kurogiri: With Pleasure.

As he covered the class in a black fog, when it was over only a few escaped and were to hold their ground while the rest were scattered across the area. Those that remained were cautious about their and the first thing one of them did was use his quirk to look at his classmates.

Iida: Shojo, Anything? Where is everyone?

Shojo: Our classmates are scattered but everyone else is still here.

Sero: What do we do? The guy's immune to physical attacks and can apparently teleport stuff.

Izuku: Okay Kurogiri, I'll take it from here, You go back to Tomura.

Kurogiri: Being a bit arrogant aren't you?

Izuku: Hardly, although the same can be said about Tomura. He's not taking this as seriously as the rest so go make sure he doesn't slip and fall and beside this is was you paid me and I work better alone.

Kurogiri:... Very Well.

Kurogiri left the area leaving alone Izuku, Thirteen and the rest of the students who weren't sucked up.

Izuku: And here I'd thought he'd never leave. Now then shall we start?

Thirteen: Class Rep.

Iida: Yes.

Thirteen: I have a job for you, Run to the school and tell the facility what's going here, the alarm aren't sounding and our phones and radio right now, one of these villain must be to blame even though eraserhead is canceling out people's quirks left and right we're still close off from the outside, whoever is doing this likely hide as soon as they warped in, they could be hiding anywhere, impossible to hunt down. It'll be faster for you to run and get help than for us looking for them.

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