Chapter 27

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⚠️ smut/ long chapter ⚠️

Alex POV
We were walking to a bridge. Luther and older five or I call him 5, were ahead of us while I stayed back with little five. As I walked, I can hear Luther and 5 talking:

3rd POV

5: alright, just be cool till I finish the job on the grassy knoll. We'll get the time math and I'll ice the squirt.

Luther: I just wish there was another way, you know?

5: there isn't. Look at him.

Both Luther and the older five were watching teen five.

Five: what are you looking at?

5: look.

Five: you see something funny?

5: worst case of paradox psychosis I have ever seen.

Five: stop undressing my husband with your whore eyes you slut!

Alex was laughing at five he looked back at him.

Alex: okay you fighter, no one is doing anything. Come on

Five ran over to Alex, as he grabbed his hand and smiled at him lovingly.

5: what's wrong?

Luther: Well, I... feel bad for him. Do you know?

Five: mind your business! Can't you see I'm out with my husband!

Alex: ignore him he's a little crazy at the moment, out of his mind, you know.

As five punched Alex on his shoulder.

Alex: that all you got shorty?

Five: what are you looking at? Or I'll give you something to stare at.

Luther: he's just a little guy.

5: everyone looks little to you.

Five: you wish you could pull off these shorts!

Alex: please stop, I can't breathe.

As Alex kept laughing at five.

Five: you know very well how sexy I am with these shorts love.

5: you look like King Kong and Hitler's youth had a baby. Luther, I... I don't have time for you to tuck and squeeze here. Can I count on you to keep him under control?

Luther: Yeah, I'll do my best, yeah.

5: All alright.

As older five walked, Luther stayed behind to talk to little five.

Luther: hey, brother. How are you doing?

Five: he's gonna kill me, isn't he?

Luther: what?

Alex: he is. But it's not gonna work though.

Luther: what about him?

Luther points at older five.

Luther: he's gonna kill you? Yeah right. That's ridiculous.

Five: you know, you're a terrible liar, Luther. You're the worst liar than you are a spotter.

Luther: okay, who's fault is that? What good is having a spotter if you won't even listen to him? You have Alex and you listen to him.

Alex: not really, fives the type of person who takes stuff than asking. He doesn't even listen to me.

Five: so you admit, you're conspiring against me?

Luther: do... do you admit that you're suffering from paradox psychosis?

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