Episode 11: The Operation

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Erinova smirked and left the room with steps full of stealth,as she didn't want anyone to see her in the outfit with the hood. A voice came from all the speaker's in the cave, it said, ‛Attention everyone. Section E05, S08,R18,W04 please come to main hall with your section passes. New members of Assassin's Morai or anyone who have shifted in other sections please stay with your group mates and collect your section passes from the exit of main hall. Everyone will be separated in the main hall on the bases of their sections. Anyone without their section passes will not be allowed to enter any room for explanation of operations and will be questioned too. If the person is suspicious of anything he or she will be assassinated. Thank you.' Iorine was in his room only. When he heard the announcement, he thought about what kind of operation will he be in and would he have to kill anyone? He stood up from his bed and Arion entered their room, opened his closet and started to look for something. Iorine asked him,‛Hey Arion, I just wanted to ask you something.' ‛Well then, just ask it.', replied Arion without even looking at Iorine. ‛How will I get that section pass? Will it take some time and would I look suspicious too?' Arion finally found whatever he was looking for and proceeded to answer Iorine's question,‛Well that's just too much questions but, as your room mate and group mate, let me answer your questions.
Well, you will just walk in the main hall with me, Amunisa, Vex, Riron, Erinova and okay the last one got killed, so yeah. Then, a person whoever is on the counter would ask you for your section pass and then you say that you are just a newbie who just entered Assassin's Morai-' ‛Wait, wait, wait. What is this Assasin's Morai?', interfered Iorine. Arion gave a bit irritated expression and continued, ‛Assasin's Morai is this organisation that we are all a part of. Now, getting in is not so easy dude. Then, she will be asking us, your group mates about you and then we say that you are good. That person would verify about you from the hospital staff and Aedon. Then she would give everyone from our section an eye scan, blood test and would take our finger prints. It will be for our verification and for your data for your verification in future. Then you just walk into whatever room you are told to, take a seat and listen whatever our instuctor says.' Meanwhile Amunisa was in the training ground, she thought about taking a break looked at her watch and said,‛So, i have been training for 2 hours 48 minutes.' She took a seat and opened her bag to get something and when she did so, she found a letter. She started reading it, ‛Amunisa, you have been training for a long time remember the incident in which you got attacked by Iorine? I have an offer for you, how about you help me and my partner in killing him and get 25% of the power of Pheronce?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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