Chapter 1

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Varun, a handsome-looking ganster, was busy fighting with his enemy Benjan, a Canadian gangster, and they were firing each other in a parking lot.

"EAT THIS!!! AND THIS TOO, SUCKER!!!" Benjan yelled, while shooting Varun.

There, bullet was showering all over, and it was clear that one of them would die today. Varun was all busy putting more bullets in his gun, reloading, when suddenly Varun's phone flashed and vibrated, and then a very funny tune came out of it, "You're my fairy from my childhood, my sweet fairy from my fairy tales..."

He checked his phone... er... it was call from his wife, Kriti. He became little frustrated and wanted not to pick her call, but at the same time he was concerned to know if she's fine or not.

He picked it up and answered, "Hello, What do you want right now!?"

"I wanted to ask you...wait a minute! What's that noise!?" She asked.

"It's just a loud music, I am in a party right now," he replied.

"Really!?" she said in an annoyed voice.

"Fine, I am in the middle of fighting against my enemy... call me later!! Bye!!"

"Okay, bye!!" She said in an angry voice.

Then Varun decided that he won't go easy on Benjan, this amateur, then fired out bullets like a professional.

One hit in Bejan's thigh, another in his chest, the last in his right hand in which he had kept his only remaining gun.

Bejan groaned in pain. "NOOO!!!!!! I can't die now!!! I can't be denied!!! I-"

Before that bastard could say anything more, Varun shot him in his head. Head-shot! You got 1000 exp. points! Level up! Current Level - «44».

After killing Benjan Varun went to office for meeting. The meeting was with another gangster name Roy Kapoor, India's no. 1 gangster and his brother Sahil. When Roy was about to leave, the electricity was cut off for like 30 seconds. After the line came... Varun was shocked to see Roy lying on the ground with bullet pierced in his body, dead, bleeding... Varun was shocked because it wasn't his plan at all, he didn't want him dead! He wanted him alive!

"GODDAMN!!!!!!!!" Varun angrily cursed.

Later... he decided to burn the goddamn body.

After burning the corpse, he realised that he couldn't find his brother Sahil anywhere... could he have done this? Or was he kidnapped by the assassin or something? He was about to search him in Roy's car.... BUT- his phone rung... AGAIN. It was from Kriti again? Yep, AGAIN! He was really irritated by her calls so he quickly went to his home instead of answering the call. It was a home-call after all. It was 10 at night when he reached home.

*Enters the house* *Cold air blows*

"Tell me,Why did you call me? What's that so-GODDAMN important thing you wanted to say to me, huh?" He asked her angrily.

"Oh I am sorry for calling you continuously, actually it's not 'that' important, but since I thought that you won't be coming home, I decided to call you to say that I am going to New York for a week for the business meetings."

"What?? That's what it was all about? That's what you call important? Whatever! You can't go right now, because mom and dad are going to come over here and you must stay to serve them," he lied.
He never wanted her to leave alone for ONE WEEK! He can't live single day without her...

"Listen, I am my company's CEO. If I won't go, the business ranking will go down and I will face the consequences... I'll really have to go. It's an important meeting for the company," she said in calm voice.

"No, it's too risky to go alone since I have so many enemies watching over you, trying to drain all our energies... I will even go with you."

"Oh please! When did you started feeling so insecure about me. I am going all alone and that's final," she and went to her room.

"Okay...okay....whatever you want to do, you do. I am not forcing you nor I do care, but please be sure to call me on my cellphone once you reach there. Or else, you know what I mean?" He also went to his room. He wasn't at all feeling sleepy.

(So Kriti is going to New York from London for her meetings. Will there a tragic incident happen?? So STAY TUNED!!!)

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