<Chapter 2: Nightmares>

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The door opened and the Senator walked in.

"Senator." Lex said. "Our dad always said that Kentucky mash was the secret to health. Mm." He took a sip of his drink and walked over to the couch I was sitting on. "This was his room. I left it just the way it was. It's silly. The magical thinking of orphan boys."

"I'm blocking the import license for your mineral." She said. Uh oh. Lex won't like that.

"The red capes are coming." Lex said, walking back over to her. "The red capes are coming. Hmm." He tapped his fingers on his desk. "You and your hearings. Galloping through the streets to warn us. One if by land, two if by air." She grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Mmm." He inhaled. "Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator? Can I call you June?"

"You can call me whatever you like." She said. "Take a bucket of piss and call it Granny's Peach Tea."

"Mm-hmm." He said.

"Take a weapon of assassination and call it deterrence." She said. "Adopt a child with powers and call her your sister." I looked over at her. "You won't fool a fly or me. I'm not gonna drink it."

"Hey, you don't think Dad would mind, do you?" He asked. "If I changed just...just one thing in this room? Because that should be upside-down." He pointed at the portrait on the wall. "Now we know better now, don't we? The devils don't come from Hell beneath us, no. No, they come from the sky."

"Change whatever you want." She said, unmoved by what he said. "You're never gonna get the import license for that rock." She walked out.

"She's not gonna change her mind." I said.

"In due time, dear sister." He said. "In due time." I looked over at the portrait. He was right about one thing. Devils do come from the sky. But so do angels. There's just not many coming down to help us.

Third Person's POV

Bruce was walking to his parents graves, holding flowers. He opened the doors and walked into the building that held his parents corpses. He looked over at the glass window of an angel. He walked over to the wall and put the flowers down on the shelf, between the pieces that said his parents' names on them. He stared at the one of his mothers. Martha Wayne. Suddenly, he noticed blood coming out of the cracks. It dripped down the wall. He reached over and touched it. He pulled his hand away and looked at the blood on his fingertips. Suddenly, the wall broke open and bats flew out. A giant bat creature grabbed him and roared in his face. It reached over at bit him. Suddenly, images of Laia were in his mind. He saw her laughing in the field of flowers.

"Bruce." She said. It showed images of the building she was living in being blown up. "Find me." It showed her dead. "Find me, Bruce." He heard her laugh in the background. "Find me..."

Suddenly, he shot up, gasping for air. Just a nightmare. He sighed. He glanced over at the woman who laid next to him. He sighed and reached over to the alcohol on the nightstand. He picked up the glass of wine and took a big sip of it. He got up and walked over to the window. As he looked out at the lake, he wondered why she was haunting his dreams now. I mean, sure, she haunted his dreams after she died. He thought he moved on. So, why now? Is it supposed to mean something? And if it did, what? 

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