<Chapter 8: Project Witch>

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Third Person's POV

(Time Skip)

After Laia left, Bruce was looking over what was left in her file. There was one video left. He clicked on it and it showed adult Lex Luthor. He looked tired.

"My name is Lex Luthor." He said. "Today is test 2,555 of Project Witch...Oh, who am I kidding?" He sighed as he ran his hand over his face. "My father has banned me from using Laia's powers anymore. He also said that I cannot continue the Meta-Human testing. He wants Laia to have a normal life. To be a normal girl. But that's the thing. She isn't normal. She's...She's a girl who has the ability to manipulate a person's mind. Okay? She's not just a normal girl. She...She could be very dangerous if she wanted to. And that's why I created Project Witch. Laia thinks it was to help her control her powers, but no. It's not. It's so that I can understand people like her and put an end to them. It's people like her that will destroy us. And I can't let that happen. She's fully in control of her powers now. I gotta make sure she doesn't use them against us. This is Lex Luthor, signing off for the last time on Project Witch. The testing may be complete, but the battle has just begun." The video ended, and Bruce stood up, wanting to warn Laia but then he remembered she wasn't there anymore. She would already be at Lex's by now. And there was nothing he could do.

(Time Skip)

Alfred walked into the living room of the old, burned, Wayne Manor. Bruce stood there, staring at the wall.

"You know you can't win this." Alfred said. "It's suicide."

"I'm older now than my father ever was." Bruce said. "This may be the only thing I do that matters."

"20 years of fighting criminals amounts to nothing?" Alfred asked.

"Criminals are like weeds, Alfred." Bruce said. "Pull one up, another grows in its place. This is about the future of the world. This is my legacy." He looked down at a spot on the floor that had the family crest of the Waynes on it. "You know, my father sat me down right here. Told me what Wayne Manor was built on."

"Railroads, real estate, and oil." Alfred said.

"The 1st generation made their fortune trading with the French, pelts and skins." Bruce said. "They were hunters." Bruce walked away. Alfred watched him, knowing that this man was no longer the man he raised anymore. That man died a long time ago, and something else grew in his place.

(Time Skip)

Laia's POV

I walked out to the place where Lex was standing. He stood there, looking out at the city. The bat signal was in the distance.

"Lex." I said. He turned to me.

"Laia!" He said, running over to me. He hugged me. I hugged back, acting like nothing was wrong. He pulled away. "Thank god you're alright."

"What is happening?" I asked.

"You'll see it." He said, and I knew it wasn't good. Suddenly, a helicopter flew over and landed. A redhead girl got out and the helicopter flew away. I recognized her. She was a reporter from the Daily Planet. "Plain Lo in the morning. Lola in slacks." He sighed. "Lois Lane. Mm, come see the view. Mm!" He walked over and put his arm around her. She tried to pull away, but he held her in place. "Mnh-mnh. Now the secret to the height is the building material." He walked her over to the edge. "It's light metals, which...which sway a bit in the wind. Hmm." He let go of her and stood in front of her. "And you know something about LEXCORP metals, don't you, Miss Lane?"

"I've proven what you've done." She said.

"Wow, you're feisty." He said. "Unfortunately, that will blow away. Like sand in the desert."

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