<Chapter 9: Bruce!>

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(Time Skip)

I ran down the stairs.

"Hey!" A guard said, running up the stairs towards me. I blasted him with my powers. He fell down the stairs, knocked out. I ran down the stairs and got down on the bottom floor. I walked out the door and saw a group of guards standing there.

"Stop!" One shouted. "Stop right there!"

"Mother...forgive me." I said as my eyes turned red. I pointed my hands at them and blasted them away.

I threw my hands down at my sides, causing my powers to give me a boost off the ground, and fly towards Gotham

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I threw my hands down at my sides, causing my powers to give me a boost off the ground, and fly towards Gotham.

I threw my hands down at my sides, causing my powers to give me a boost off the ground, and fly towards Gotham

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"Please be okay." I whispered in fear. 

 (Time Skip)

I ran into the building where Clark and Bruce were supposed to fight. I looked around and saw Bruce standing over Clark and Lois, holding up a spear.

"Bruce, don't!" I said. Bruce looked at me.

"Laia?" He asked.

"Please." I said. He looked down at the spear in his hand. He screamed as he threw it away. He walked away from Clark. I ran up and hugged him, causing him to pick me up and hug me, due to height difference.

"Thank god you're okay." He said. He slowly put me back on the ground and I pulled back, so I was in arm's length of him.

"I-I tried to stop him." I said as tears came to my eyes. "But I ran out of energy before I could. I'm...I'm sorry. How could I let this happen? I was so blind with anger. I was a terrible person." 

"It's okay

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"It's okay." He said. "It doesn't matter what you did or who you were. As long asyou're safe, I don't care."

I smiled

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I smiled. I looked over at Lois.

"I'm sorry for Lex kidnapping you." I said. "I just arrived before you did so I didn't know what he was planning." She nodded. Bruce pulled away from me and walked over to Clark.

"Luthor." Clark said as Bruce helped him stand. "He wanted your life for hers. She's losing time."

"The scout ship seems to be drawing power from the city." Lois said. "It's got to be Lex."

"They need you at that ship." Bruce said. "I'll find her."

"My mother needs me." Clark said, about to walk away.

"Wait." Brue said, stopping him. "I'll make you a promise. Martha won't die tonight." Bruce nodded. Clark nodded. And then they both nodded. Bruce turned to me. "Stay with Lois. It's safer for you here."

"No, I wanna help." I said.

"Laia, it's too dangerous." He said. "Project Witch wasn't about you learning how to use your powers. It was Lex learning about them and figuring out to kill you."

"What?" I asked, speechless. He nodded.

"I'm sorry." He said. "But it's better you stay here than come with me. Okay?" I nodded. "I'll be back as soon as I can." He kissed my forehead. "Goodbye." He walked away and out the building. I looked to see Lois pick up the spear.

"We gotta go help." I said.

"But they said to stay here." She said.

"We can't just sit here while they fight." I said. "We gotta help." She nodded.

"You go." She said. "I'm gonna go get rid of this." I nodded and ran out. 

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