Chapter 6

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Lianne turned to the portal summoning a sword and putting it on her waist just to intimidate people. On what both of them didn't expect were a hundred of hunters waiting for the pair in order to capture them.

"Break a sweat father." Lianne said before she used her sword to block  energy blasts from the weapons these hunters had.

"Oh, I think you need too sweetie." Kang retorts lifting up a huge boulder and throwing it onto several hunters in their left.

Lianne didn't waste any time putting away her sword as she gets into position. Golden energy balls appeared in her hand that she kept throwing on the soldiers killing them instantly.

"I could feel your sweat here child!" Kang jokes tossing one of the hunters to the others knocking them down.

"So is yours!" Lianne yelled finally taking larger energy blasts into burning down twenty's of soldiers who come in her way.

Soon enough, a sea of dead bodies were dispersed on the ground some had blood oozing from their bodies soaking the once dried ground. Lianne panted heavily before nodding at her father who gestures her to go back home so he could do his job.

"Keep Safe!" Lianne yelled out before entering the portal back home.

She never stayed with Kang when he was conquering realities because it was either she watch as poor people die in his hands, she does it herself, or just walk away. She preferred walk away because just maybe, she could avoid the guilt tripping her over and landing on the ground too harshly in the point where she can't go back up.

Shutting the door back in her room, she slumped down in the bed taking off the armour manually wincing at the soreness her body was feeling. Bruises appeared on her shoulders while blood soaked her armour inside out. She puts on a rather simple t-shirt and jersey shorts that she picked up from a mall where she just murdered at least fifteen young hunters.

She entered the bathroom filling up the sink with water so she can soak her top first before her pants. She looks around assuring herself that no one was home before shutting the door singing a song.

"My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone."

She put some laundry soap in the top watching as it dissolves turning the water slippery and soapy. She washed the piece of clothing thoroughly watching the red liquid taint the once clear water.

"Conversations with a stranger I barely know."

After squeezing the water off the top, she puts it in a dipper before grabbing her pants also soaking it to the bloody soapy water she had just created.

"Swearing this would be the last but it probably won't."

Once again, she washed the clothing thoroughly getting rid of the blood that was staining her pants. The bloody water became more bloodier, redder after she took off the pants squeezing any excess water that the cloth had absorbed creating tons of bloody bubbles on the sink.

"I got nothing left to loose, or use, or do."

She drains the sink before putting another batch of water on it. She frees both clothing from the soap before hanging it up for it to dry.

"My bad habits lead to you."

She cracks her knuckles putting on fluffy slippers and putting on a half face mask. She walks to the kitchen making her meal for the next 8 hours.

It was her usual schedule for each and every day for the past year. Her breakfast were terrified screams, death, and blood while her lunch was still unscheduled. She only goes for lunch if there was nothing to do for the rest of the day, somewhere in time.

Once she was done eating, she simply uses her magic to clean the dishes being a lazy person she is. She then walks back into her room to probably play with either her magic or open up a portal in a reality she made. She decided to stay in the room because if her father decided to need her help, she would gladly go.


Loki and Wanda soon came down from the rooftop going back to the place where they were previously.

"So, what did you lost?" Loki asked sitting next to Wanda.

"Lost my husband, and my kids. Found out I am a Nexus Being, saw my brother Pietro but it's not actually Pietro. What about you?" Wanda shrugged.

"Lost everything I had. A friend named Mobius, the woman of my dreams, I was betrayed by Sylvie, and I think I'll never see my family again." Loki said huffing.

"Seriously?" Dr. Strange asked appearing in the doorway.

"It's the Drama for me." A voice said from the doorway.

Loki snapped his head in the doorway his mouth hung agape. There she is standing in the doorway with a smirk possibly hiding from her mask. Loki gets up to hug her but she pushed him away from her figure.

"Sorry to break it to you but I'm not Lianne Richards." She replied while Loki blinks in confusion.

"Oh yeah, found her around somewhere cause her reality had been destroyed. Meet Cristina Rogers, she's from a reality where Steve Rogers actually lost his virginity and had a child." Dr. Strange said doing a quick re-cap.

"What exactly are your abilities?" Sylvie asks entering the room.

"I can control minds, and combats that no one in my universe could match." Cristina bragged with a proud smirk.

"You're still wearing a mask." Loki said.

"It's because there were things that had to be hidden away from the world so no one could see it." Cristina replied with a smug look. 

"I still like Lianne." Loki mumbled with a small smile recalling Lianne's small mumbles back in their time together in the TVA.

"Heh, you both belong from two different timelines. How are you okay with that?" Cristina asks.

"We'll live somewhere in time where we won't disturb anything." Loki sighed dreamily sitting back down on the couch.

"And happily ever after then?" Cristina asked earning a small nod.

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