Chapter 8

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The sound of engine roaring had invaded their ears as a Jet Ski appeared in their side with a certain TVA worker driving on it. Lianne eyes Mobius before smirking and teleporting him randomly right beside her.

"Really?" Mobius deadpans at the young girl who shrugged hugging him as a greeting.

"How are you Mobius?" Lianne asked letting magic flow out her palms as people began to appear around the sandy paradise.

"Great! Honestly, everything here is really good. You even gave me a jet ski, you're a literal angel." Mobius praises playfully nudging Lianne who licks her dry lips shaking her head laughing.

"I'm far from an Angel Mobius. An Angel doesn't kill an entire universe to relieve pain." Lianne laughed patting Mobius' back before sprinting away from the others.

Mobius turned to the two Loki variants who only shrugged as he sighed.


"So what's your story?" Sylvie asked looking at Cristina who sighed sitting next to her.

"Born in 1940's, taken by Hydra, frozen in ice, has killed people throughout my timeline, met the love of my life who died a few days after we got together, then a version of me showed up and started destroying my universe before Dr. Strange took me in." Cristina stated briefly while Loki looks at her with furrowed brows.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did your lover died?" Loki asked.

"Got shot multiple times by saving an old man's ass from a robotic being who spent 5 minutes in the internet before deciding to end the world." She shrugged scratching her neck.

"Apologies." Loki hummed just as the setting became silent once again.

"Alright, we need a plan. Lianne's power is unstoppable, we need you Wanda to battle it out maybe disable her powers for a short time not enough to kill her cause this greasy God won't appreciate us killing the love of his dagger." Dr. Strange said looking at Wanda who nodded.

"I'll try to coax her out of her revenge plan cause I can and I definitely will." Cristina said looking at the Sorcerer Supreme who gave her a small nod.

"We both could lure her into the trap if the coaxing doesn't work." Sylvie spoke while Loki agreed.

"Listen, this is a suicide mission. One of us could die protecting everyone's reality from Lianne's rage. Are you all willing to do it?"


Sitting down in sand she glanced at the sky watching as birds fly by. She hears the waves crashing with each other as well as the distant voices of people she had just created.

"Lianne, deep down you know I'm right." Kid Loki chimes while she sighed nodding.

"I know, I know. But I can't talk to Loki like that... I'm still mad at him." Lianne huffed while Aligator Loki nuzzled on her stomach.

"You know you had to eventually. Lianne, Loki will obviously say sorry." Mobius said sitting next to Kid Loki.

"....You still love him." Kid Loki teased while Lianne groaned putting hands on her face.

"Really?" Lianne muttered while the other three looked at each other.

"Perhaps, you could muster up your confidence?" Mobius began.

Lianne turned to the other three who gave her a small smile instrumental music playing in the background.

"Are you guys gonna sing? Please don't." Lianne groaned out while the other three sighed.

"...Welp you ruined it. Anyways, you gotta forgive them. Redeem your mistakes, and finally be happy."

Happy, a feeling that Lianne missed. She was blinded by her rage and agony that she forgot what it feels like to have her heart soaring with joy.

They stayed like that until the rest of the day casually talking about their adventures here and there while Lianne lets herself fall into a deep relaxation.

"I need to go." The girl muttered looking at the sun setting.

"Will you be alright Lianne?" Kid Loki asked while she just nodded.

"Just think about it, maybe you'll finally find the happiness you deserved." Mobius says patting her back while she smiled behind the mask.

"I need to really go now. You guys don't burn this place to the ground cause everything is hard to make. Enjoy your new company!" Lianne said walking away from the men.

A bright glow once again walks out of her palms before a portal opened up in front of her. A small wave of goodbye was sent to the others before she walked in the portal disappearing from that reality.

Everything changed as she walked back into their house. Her heart dropped at the sight of her home. Everything was in flames while her father's body rested in the middle of the burning house. Her whole body trembled, her eyes formed tears as her knees sunk down on the ground.

"What happened?" She asked herself lips trembling behind the mask.


"So you've found me." Kang smiles looking at the five who had frown in their faces.

"Where is Lianne?" Loki asked while Kang chuckled.

"Ah, the lover boy. You didn't ask for my permission yet." Kang smiles while Loki clenched his jaw.

"I would but you're obviously not Lianne's father. You maybe a variant but you're not her real father." Loki said raising his weapon more.

"Oh yes, her real father whom you both killed." Kang smiles.

"That is where you're wrong. I tried to stop it—"

"But you didn't... successfully did. What do you think fueled Lianne's thirst for revenge? Huh?" Kang smirks while Loki stayed still.

"Alright, enough chit chat." Dr. Strange began casting a spell.

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