Chapter 7

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It's been a full week of the same cycle over and over again. Bored was an understatement on what Lianne was feeling right now. Ever since that encounter with Sylvie and Loki, she was unmotivated in every thing she does. Her jobs were done too quick and her father, Kang had taken a notice against all of this.

"Lianne, are you alright?" Kang asks his daughter one evening watching as she slumped down in the couch.

"Yeah, all good father. I'm just tired from all this sort of things." She mumbled only for her father to hear.

Kang thinks for a moment before sighing. He sits next to her patting her back.

"Why don't you go and have a rest day in you little world?" Kang asked her with a small smile on his face.

"I will but... How about you?" She asked him hesitantly.

"I can manage love. You go to your friends so you have a fun time. Then, we can go and conquer more and more worlds to the best we can." Kang winks at her while she smiled.

She hugs him before happily skipping back to her room to get ready for the day. She puts on casual clothes like jeans and an oversized gray shirt. She puts on a black mask before opening a portal to a certain reality.


Kid Loki and Aligator Loki were sat near the river bank on the light green grass with a peaceful looks on their faces. Aligator Loki growls happily watching as chickens randomly appeared near him as he snacks on the poor creatures.

"Hey Kid!" Came in a call from a nice oak tree near the two Loki Variants.

Their heads snapped towards the familiar voice as Lianne grinned behind the mask and embracing both Lokis.

They were one of the Loki Variants she adored, mainly because they did nothing wrong to her. They were really good at her when she was pruned along with Loki in the void. Those were nothing but sweethearts towards her so she developed a small fondness at the two. They were the reason she made that Reality, A paradise, and a safe place.

"Lianne! What brings you here?" Kid Loki asks cheerful clinging on the not really older's waist.

"Wanted a small rest, and I figured that I should come and pay you both a visit." Lianne shrugged picking up the Aligator Variant who happily settles himself in her arms.

"Oh, and Mobius was in the far corner of the world riding his thing." Kid Loki informs her while she hummed.

"Have you been good? I'm surprised you both didn't burn the whole place to the ground." Lianne tells the young God of Mischief who scoffed as they reached a random bench.

"You know we can't burn this place. You control everything here, our food, entertainment, and our home. This is our new home so why would we burn this place down?" Kid Loki said as three boxes of apple juice appeared floating in the air.

"Fair point." Lianne mumbles squirting some of the apple juice in Aligator Loki's mouth.

"How long will you stay here?" Kid Loki asks her while she shrugged.

"Just a day." Lianne sighed.

"Then let's make it a day. Let's go find Mobius." Kid Loki said standing up.

Lianne nodded standing up and putting the reptile down to the ground allowing it to crawl by himself. Aligator Loki crawls beside Lianne who kept using her powers to improve everything in the place.

"What are you adding?" Kid Loki asks her while she shrugged her shoulders.

"Something to entertain you both cause somewhere in time, you will be bored around here so I made creatures to stab, or befriend. You guys could control this place, and shits like that." Lianne shrugged making a human being inside each house they pass.

"Thank you really, for providing us a home where we can freely move without anyone to attack us." Kid Loki thanks the girl who shook her head.

"You two were really good at me when I first arrived at the Void. It's a shame Classic Loki isn't here. He would love to love somewhere peace without people fearing him nor cast him away. I made this reality so we could all do whatever we want so don't thank me." Lianne smiles just as they reached the seaside.

The girl takes off her shoes just as she stepped in the warm sand. The warmth engulfed her feet as tiny prickles of the sand was felt. The three walked over the place searching for the familiar TVA Agent.

"Why don't you just stay here?" Kid Loki asked.

"I have an unfinished business to do. After that, I could finally rest here." She shrugged.

"Getting revenge? Lianne, your good side is fading away everytime you fuel your thirst for revenge. Make them apologize for it because if you can forgive them, you can relieve the pain youre feeling right now." Kid Loki tells her holding her hand while Aligator Loki nodded his head agreeing.

"Killing them is the only way to relieve the pain. What is the point of letting them live if you're always gonna be reminded that you have no father because you don't deserved it." Lianne snarled while Kid Loki shook his head.

"Remember that time when I was so guilty of killing Thor? Yeah, that. You told me that forgiving is the only way to relieve the pain, both from the guilt amd loss. I think you should too, youu have conquered hundreds of Universes, killing trillions of people. I think you should forgive Loki and Sylvie before redeeming your mistakes." Kid Loki adviced while Lianne sighed.

"Will my father agree to this? I don't think so love." Lianne replied watching as the waves danced by the sun.

"Lianne, do you really think he's your father?" Kid Loki asked her while the girl tilted her head looking down at the God.


"Lianne destroyed my universe and I want her to be taken care of. She killed a lot of our Variants and I don't want it to have any more additions. She needed to be stopped." Cristina tells the others who nodded.

"We could trap her then maybe coax her out of the revenge shit Pied Piper had manipulated her into doing so he could destroy and conquer." Strange said in a monotone voice as Wanda frowned.

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