Chapter 15

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Gasping awake, Lianne felt a sudden pain in her stomach. Slowly sitting up, she glanced at the almost dried up blood on the floor just as memories started to flew in. She remembered drinking her coffee before passing out then waking up with a literal dagger piercing right through her.

"씨발?" She mumbled in Korean putting pressure on the wound trying to contain the bleeding. (The Fuck?)

She was surprised that she even survived with at least an hour or two of bleeding. She looks around the room seeing burn marks around, the smell of burnt wood filling her nostrils.

"나는 갈 필요가있다." She said grabbing a first aid kit in attempt on stabilizing the wound and finally go somewhere. (I need to go.)

Looking around, she spotted a Tempad. A smile formed it's way on her lips before entering her room opening a hidden drawer.

After putting it on, she punches in the coordinates of her reality already knowing that it's the only way for her to go there without her powers on

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After putting it on, she punches in the coordinates of her reality already knowing that it's the only way for her to go there without her powers on. A yellow portal opened before her while she breathes deeply looking around making sure no one is there before running inside not before putting on her mask.

Loki groans in pain watching as Kang summons a dagger with a smirk. They were losing, and they knew it. Dr. Strange was trapped beneath the ground while Wanda was getting trapped inside an endless loop of sad memories. Sylvie was unconscious in a distance leaving Loki by himself against Kang.

"Say goodbye." Kang smiled inching closer to him.

Holding out the dagger, Kang attempts to stab Loki. A loud kling ring over their ears as the dagger was kicked out of Kang's hand as a sword points on his neck raging brown eyes glaring over into his.

"Lianne." Loki said in relief seeing her alive and well.

Clad in a warrior's hanbook (Traditional Korean Wear), Lianne stood there anger rushing through her veins.

"Well, well, well." Kang chuckled while she frowned.

"You should've killed me." Lianne growled like a wild dog lunging at Kang who only scoffed.

"It would have been a waste of parts." Kang said blocking an attack Lianne launched.

"Give me my powers back!" Lianne yelled kicking Kang in the chest slashing his leg while he groaned.

"You should've been grateful I left a few to keep you alive." Kang groans blasting her as she flies before landing to the ground painfully.

She lands next to Loki who gasped helping her up while she pushed him away. She sighs handing him Kang dagger before getting back in the fight.

"Try to keep up will you?" Kang laughed picking up the pace while she just laughed.

"Oh Father, you don't know how much I've been playing easy on you." She smirks tripping him before stabbing his side.

Kang groans just as Lianne walks a bit farther away from him already knowing what's gonna happen. Kang's eyes glowed golden just as the stab wound healed itself. Loki watches the scene unfold before running over to Lianne to push her away as an energy blast hit where they were previously.

"Lianne, Lianne, Lianne. You can't defeat me, never." Kang smiled evilly.

"Oh no, father. I can and I know how." Lianne scoffed standing up in front of Loki who only pushed her slightly away before charging at Kang trying to keep up with the man's pace.

Lianne sighs running over to the unconscious Sylvie patting her cheek trying to wake up the variant. Sylvie's eyes slowly opened before widening trying to attack Lianne who pinned her hand to the ground.

"Relax, it's the real Lianne." Lianne sighed helping the Variant up.

"How are you alive?" Sylvie asked taking out her weapon ready to fight.

"A simple dagger can't kill me." Lianne smirked before stretching her neck running over to Loki pulling him away from Kang attacking him for herself.

Dodging an attack, she kicked him in the shin before tripping him off his feet. Kang quickly gets up using a dagger to wound her arm. She screams in pain before kicking Kang away from her trying to put pressure on the wound. Sylvie turns to Kang attacking him whilst Loki makes sure she's alright.

"A piece of clean cloth would be great." Lianne sighed while Loki clears his throat summoning a piece of green cloth tying it securely in her wound.

Lianne thanked him silently wiping off blood from his cheek before frowning looking at Kang and Sylvie.

"You and Sylvie need to free Wanda and Dr. Strange, it's the only way." Lianne tells Loki who hesitantly nodded.

"What about you?" Loki asked worried for her safety.

"I'll buy you both some time. Now go and be a hero." Lianne said pushing Loki away.

(Sorry it's too short. The whole ass Chapter got deleted and I had to summarize everything)


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