Chapter 9

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Loki watched his illusion cloaking all five of them. Watching her cry was too painful for him as he tried to look away. The sound of her sniffles were heard as they watched her clutch her fists a golden glow seen from it.

Seeing her heartbroken was enough for his poor heart to hammer begging for him to go and hug her tightly, hold her and soothe her until she feel better. He knew it was also his fault, he could've given her the love she deserved instead of seeking for it in other people. He could have stopped Sylvie from killing her father but he couldn't leaving in a catastrophic events.

"I think we fucked up." Cristina muttered.

"You think?" Sylvie sarcastically asked.

Lianne looks around before getting up and walking to her room while the other five followed as hidden as possible. Lianne sat down in the bed completely out of it as she just stared blankly on the wall.

Her eyes soon drifted to the outfit she uses to fight with. With a flick of her fingers, her body glowed golden as her outfit changed. Loki and Sylvie's eyes widen watching as the transformation escalated. So it was Lianne, the girl that both of them fought.

"Oh my Valhalla." Loki muttered staring at Lianne who grabbed her sword putting it in her back.

"Oh yeah, we really fucked up." Cristina whispered.

Lianne looks around before disappearing into thin air. Loki gulps as the illusion falls down. They all looked at each other before nodding.

The plan will soon be starting. With Kang out of the picture, Lianne would fall in their trap easily.

"So much for getting the thirst for revenge gone." Cristina groaned while Dr. Strange glared down at her.

"She could be going somewhere." Wanda says looking at each of them.

"Yeah, by that I mean to hunt us down." Dr. Strange scoffs.

"Lianne is the figure that attacked us back in that place. No wonder why it was so pissed at us." Loki muttered.

Events of before flashes through his eyes, regret filling his veins for calling her those names. She was no coward, she was in fact the

"Are we getting on the plan?" Sylvie asked the other four who nodded.


Appearing in the vast nothingness, Lianne looks around before collapsing on her knees. Her whole body shakes with emotion as tears streamed down inside the mask.

She lost her father, again. Is she not good enough to have people giving her just a tiny bit of love? All her life, she was made to believe that she was dangerous, the cause of massive destruction, a monster. So she did, she became dangerous, she became cause of massive destruction of Universes, a monster who killed countless of innocent lives.

Why would she deserve something like that when she was the monster people moulded her into?


"You two stay here, I'll talk to Ravonna about something. Oh and Lianne, I need to talk to you about something after this." Mobius said letting the two sit down outside Ravonna's office.

Mobius knocks in the door before going inside as the two variants looked at each other before shrugging.

".... He's pissed out I didn't tell him." Lianne blurts sighing.

"Tell him what exactly?" Loki asked raising his brow.

"Everything I know, my theories, and how I sort of know where the variant is hiding." Lianne shrugged.

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