Behind The Screams

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(((((I will do whatever you Squirrels ask, yes Author-chan is yours to command, if this story gets up to 50K reads. it's at 43.2 right now, so I think we can do it! We can do it, Squirrels! Oh, and really quick, I'm so glad to see so many of you running around the streets of the interweb!))))))

You slowly open your eyes, feeling the gentle warmth of a soft blanket brush against your bare limbs as you sit up in a daze. You feel gentle arms around you, slowly pulling you back down onto the bed. Looking around an ignoring the arms around you, you see that you're in your bedroom. Glancing down at the arms around you, you see Masky. Wait, what? Masky?

You shook Masky's shoulder to wake him up, and he kinda growled and rolled over to lay halfway on top of you. You blushes alot and shook him harder, to which he just growled and rolled the rest of the way on top of you. You knew you were tiny, but not tiny enough to not be noticed as to whether or not you were being laid on!

"MASKY," you yell, causing Masky to sit up in surprise and bring his knife out, ready to attack. When he was sitting up, his legs were stratling your hips. It made you blush more. "Masky calm down and GET OFF OF ME!" He looked down at you as if you appeared out of thin air. You roll your eyes and squirm around to let him know he was sitting on you still.

He just kinda looked down at you and facepalmed his mask. "Sorry (y/n)," he muttered, falling to the side and off of you. You shrug and look over at him. "Did you do that on purpose?," you ask Masky, slightly glaring at him. "What," he questioned, "sitting on you? *smirks under mask* Yes that was completely on purpose."

You roll your eyes and stand up, going to your dresser to get clothes for school. "(Y/n), you don't have to go to school today."

"Yes I do," you retort.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"It's Saturday, no you don't!"

Suddenly you tense up, remembering this conversation. You've had it before. It was from the second night Masky came over and rated overnight. The exact same words, even. You stare down at the floor, eyes wide in terror and confusion. What was going on here?!? You tug at your hair, trying to make sense of what's going on. "(Y/n)," you hear Masky say, sounding concermed, "are you okay? What's going on?"

You shake your head, beginning to gasp for breath. You couldn't wrap your head around the fact that this happened to you before. That you were reliving everything. Was that all some weird messed up dream? All of it, from the begining? Turning to stare at Masky, you say, "Masky, what happened to me?" He gave you a confused look, responding slowly, "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." "I just woke up," you say, waving your hands around as you talk, "And I traveled back in time about a month and a half. I remember everything that happened in the past month, and from the second I woke up, I'm reliving it. I don't know if it was all one big dream, or what!"

Masky nodded slowly, a look on his face that said "You're crazy" through and through. "I'm not crazy," you pant, holding your chest since it became slightly hard for you to breath. "Masky, I have to go," you tell him, running out of the room and down the stairs. In the kitchen, Mike and Kara glare at you, with the looks of hate they always wore. Tim's. You had to go to Tim's. It was the only way you could be for certain that this wasn't a dream. Turning away from Mike and Kara, you rush out the front door, freezing on the sidewalk. This wasn't your normal neighborhood. The houses were opposite. But then again, as you suddenly remembered, the words in your dream thing were all mirrored. Everything in your dream had been a huge reflection.

But wait. You knew other parts. Each person's point of view at certain times. It had to have been a weirdream. You knew L.J. had showed Masky your fake corpse before he told you, along with other things. What was going on? Why was everything one huge reflection of the dream? Or was the dream the reflection?

Suddenly, you find it even harder to breath. Like you were gasping for oxygen that the air didn't seem to hold. But how would that be possible? Answer, it wasn't. You were awake. You were breathing. But it felt like your lungs were slowly filling up with liquid, cutting off your ability to breath. But how would that be possible? A hand grasps your shoulder, making you jump. Spinning around ready to hit, you see Tim, looking concerned. "(Y/n) are you okay?" he asks you, eyes narrowed a bit. You nod slowly, the liquid feeling in your lungs ever so slowly going away.

You hold your chest still, mesmerized by the way all your pains and troubles suddenly went away. (((((Unknowingly used another vocab word, "Mesmerized", in here. I didn't realize it till one of my friends told me! Yes, Squirrel-sans, I have friends! XD)))))You nod your head a bit, smiling at Tim. Masky. Person. Since you knew he was Masky, but he didn't know you knew, you decided to mess with him. "So," Tim said, smiling back, "wanna go see a movie or something? I got nothing better to do this weekend." "Sure," you say, grinning widely and spreading your arm out to the side, "Lead the way, Masky."

He nods a bit and begins walking, but you stay behind and start to count in your head. One, two, three, fou- Tim turns around suddenly and stared at you, his eyes wide in shock. "What did you just call me?!?" he says, his voice shaking a bit. You shrug and smile at him, saying, "I called you Masky." You walk ahead, going right past him as if nothing happened.

"(Y-y/n) I'm not Masky," Tim stuttered, his face a deep red. You chuckle a bit and look at him, saying, "Then why the blush? And the stutter, and the nervousness?" He continued to stare at you, looking more nervous and shocked by the second. " did you find out?" he asked following you as you continued walking. "Does it really matter?" you answer, smiling widely and turning away to continue walking. "Oh, and by the way, you were warm last night." You hear him growl at you, making you laugh again. Turning to face him once again, you say, "You really want to know how I found out?"

He nods, and you smile a bit. "Well, it's a long ass story, so we're gonna have to skip the movie."

(((((Whoa. Squirrels, it's a parasocks! :3 Heh, I mean paradox. IT'S A PARADOX, SQUIRRELS! Like, comment, vote, and FAN OVER DA AUTHOR-CHAN AND WAFFLE QUEEN'S WORKS!!! PLEASE DON'T BE A SILENT READER! YOU SILENT READERS GET ON MY NERVES!!!)))))

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