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Wait until Slenderman heard that Masky was spending all his time hanging out with that freak, (y/n)! I don't think he would be too pleased. For Zalgo's sake, she is a human! And unless Masky could find a way to convince Slender, (y/n) was as good as dead.


Yes, Masky stayed over again last night. For the second time in a row, you woke up cradled in his arms. At one point during the night, you had put on your (f/c) hoodie instead of sleeping in your bra and underwear. Since Masky was over, of course.

You shook Masky's shoulder to wake him up, and he kinda growled and rolled over to lay halfway on top of you. You blushes alot and shook him harder, to which he just growled and rolled the rest of the way on top of you. You knew you were tiny, but not tiny enough to not be noticed as to whether or not you were being laid on!

"MASKY," you yell, causing Masky to sit up in surprise and bring his knife out, ready to attack. When he was sitting up, his legs were stratling your hips. It made you blush more. "Masky calm down and GET OFF OF ME!" He looked down at you as if you appeared out of thin air. You roll your eyes and squirm around to let him know he was sitting on you still.

He just kinda looked down at you and facepalmed his mask. "Sorry (y/n)," he muttered, falling to the side and off of you. You shrug and look over at him. "Did you do that on purpose?," you ask Masky, slightly glaring at him. "What," he questioned, "sitting on you? *smirks under mask* Yes that was completely on purpose."

You roll your eyes and stand up, going to your dresser to get clothes for school. "(Y/n), you don't have to go to school today."

"Yes I do," you retort.

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"It's Saturday, no you don't!"

You mentally facepalm and start laughing. Masky was right, you didn't have to go to school today. "Now I have nothing to do today," you laugh. Masky shrugged and said, "You could go hang out with your friends." You sigh, "I only have one friend. And I don't have a clue as to where he is or if he already has plans!"

Masky shrugged and stood up, walking to the window and saying, "Then go for a walk I guess. I was going for a random walk when I found your house, you know." Before you could answer, he opened the window and jumped out.

~Five Minutes Later~

You took Masky's advice and went on a walk. You had no idea where your legs were taking you, but you followed them anyway. They stopped moving in front of a house similar to yours, and with curiosity taking over, you walk up to the door and knock. To your surprise, Tim answered the door, looking confused. "(Y/n)? How did you get here?" You shrug and mutter "I followed my legs" before saying a bit louder, "You want to hang out?"

Red Wrists: Twists and Turns ( Masky x Reader book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now