Dream Come True

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(Title name goes to CreepypastaKat! XD Cant say thanks enough to this chick! Thank u thank u thank u!!)
I paced on the ground below her window, debating whether or not I wanted to go up in her room again. Sure, she didn't seem that afraid when I hugged her last night. She even hugged back!

As I debated whether or not to go back into her room, I heard a window open and looked up to see (y/n) smiling down at me. She waved and I waved back, smiling under my mask as I jumped up and grabbed hold of her windowsill. She helped me into her room, even though I didn't really need the help, and hugged me. I took a glance at her usually cut arm to see no new cuts. "Today was boring," she said in my ear. I smiled and responded, "Same for me, only that Slender was being an ass about me 'disappearing' last night when I came over here."

She pulled away and looked at me with wide (e/c) eyes. "You didn't get in trouble, did you?" I shook my head no and pulled my mask above my mouth to kiss her on the forehead before pulling it back down again.

I nuzzled my mask/face in the curve of her neck, saying, "I see no new cuts today." She nodded slowly, saying, "You and my friend convinced me." "And who is this friend?" I asked. "His name is Tim," she responded. So, Tim helped (y/n) stop cutting? I actually needed to thank him for once!

You didn't realize how much you wanted to see Masky's face. Curiosity was getting the best of you. Again. After a few moments of you staring at his mask, Masky tilts his head to the side. "What are you thinking?," he asks you. You blush and smile a bit saying, "I'm thinking what you look like under that mask." You feel Masky tense up and mutter, "That can't be possible quite yet. I'm sorry, I have trust issues when it comes to my looks."

You smile. "Then you don't need to take it off." "It's just that Hoodie has so far been the only one to see me without my mask on." "It's ok, I understand." "No, it's that I want you to see me without my mask, (y/n), but I'm afraid that you will reject me for who I really am."

Your jaw almost drops. "Masky, I don't even know you but I've loved you since I saw a pic of you on google." "Google?" You nod and step away from Masky, greeted by the cold air in your room, and walk over to your computer to show him the first picture you saw of him. The picture was set as your background, so it was easy to show him. In the picture, you saw Masky half consumed by shadows and the other half of him showing little more than his white and black mask.

You never understood it, but something about that picture caused the dopamine in your brain to overload. You remember that day easily.


You were in the park, looking at Creepypasta pictures on your phone to see a pasta you've never seen before. This pasta had a white mask with black eyes and black lips. He wore an orange hoodie and black jeans that weren't skinny jeans yet at the same time were not baggy jeans. In the picture, his ruffled black hair peeked out from under his hood and spilled over his white mask. He looked cute to you! You spent a long time figuring out who he was and everything you could learn about this pasta like you did the others. His name was Masky, and he was a proxy for Slenderman like Hoodie. It became your dream to meet him.

~End Flashback~

And now, just yesterday, your dream came true. You met Masky, and just today, Hoodie. For whatever reason he was stalking you.

Red Wrists: Twists and Turns ( Masky x Reader book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now