Hanging Out With Tim.... I Guess 0.o

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"Want to hang out?" Even as you ask the question, a pit forms in your stomach. Tim would never want to hang out with you! He was more of a popular kid, and you were...... well, you were you! No one ever wanted to hang out with you!

So just imagine your surprise when Tim nodded and said, "I was going to look you up in the town directory and come get YOU anyways, so yeah! Lets hang out!" You feel yourself smile and it must have been contagious, because Tim smiled too. "So (y/n), where do you want to go?," Tim asked. "Anywhere," you respond.

The two of you decided to go hang out at the park. Not one of those dinky parks with only a playground, but one with nature trails, a pool, and stuff like that. Fancier park, lets just say that. You and Tim walked around for a good while before Tim stopped and looked at you. "Is something bothering you, (y/n)?," he asked. Narrowing your eyes, you ask "What makes you think I'm being bothered?"

"Nothing," Tim shrugged and continued to walk. You roll your eyes and follow him. "(Y/n), if something is bugging you, you can tell me," Tim sighed, "You don't have to keep secrets from me." You stay silent for a few moments before growling, "Yeah? Well maybe I don't want to tell you," before running off onto one of the nature trails.

Tim chased after you, but the trails kept forking off into multiple directions and he lost you easily. "(Y/n)!," you heard Tim shouting, "(y/n) I'm sorry! Please come out!" You stay quiet and silently make your way deeper into the trees.

After a few more minutes of walking off the paths, youand stop to take a break. You had no idea where you were headed, just away from Tim. And you didn't know why. Sitting down on a tree stump, you put your head in your hands and catch your breath.

Only a few seconds later, something hard and cold rests against the front of your neck and is slowly pushing deeper and deeper. It was a knife. You hear someone laugh maniacally and lean close to you. The person laughs and whispers in your ear, "Go to sleep~."

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