"Title your Story Part"? But why?

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I look around, making sure Slenderman wasn't to be seen. We were heading out of the mansion, to go look for (y/n), when L.J. came walking out of the tree line, carrying a bloody blanket. At the end of the blanket stuck two bare feet, and (y/h/c) at the other end. He stared at us, whimpering a bit. "I-I didn't mean for this to happen, I swear," he stammered, shaking his head slowly. "I didn't think she'd do that to herself. I'm so sorry!"

I gasped, immediately recognizing (y/n)'s hair color as the color of the hair wrapped in the blanket. Staring at it, the door of the mansion opened again, Masky stumbling out. Sighing, L.J. dropped the blanket, the corpse within becoming unraveled. Yeah, it was her. (Y/h/c), (y/e/c), the rest of her too burnt and bloody to define. Masky stared down at her, eyes wide. "(Y/n), no," he whispered, his eyes watering a bit. L.J. held out Masky's jacket to him, a few scorch marks and blood splatters on it. Masky took it and threw it to the ground, shouting at the top of his lungs a bunch of non-understandable words. He looked up at L.J., his eyes glowing a redish color. "You killed her," he growled, narrowing his eyes. His eyes went back to its normal color, and he collapsed to his knees. "Get out of here before I chop you into tiny pieces and feed you to Smile Dog and Grinny Cat," he whispered. L.J. looked down, turning away and walking back the way he came.


I smirked a bit, laughing. They believed it, they believed that (y/n) was dead! I opened the door to the room, seeing (y/n) with a chain connected to her ankle, her hands chained together in cuffs. She turned in my direction, the blindfold over her eyes keeping her from viewing me. One of her arms was bandaged, blood staining ninety percent of the bandage. "Hello there, (y/n)," I said, smiling. "I'm glad you're still here." "You chained me up and forced me to stay here," she growled at me. I growled back, shoving her down. "Masky isn't going to save you this time," I yelled, "As far as he knows, you are dead and gone!" I smirked, sitting down next to her. "No one can save you from me, (y/n)." Smirking more, I reached down, slowly lifting up her shirt.

Red Wrists: Twists and Turns ( Masky x Reader book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now