A child's book tells the past

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Yugi-oh!

A/N: SHADYA IS YOU! Shadya means "delight, joy"

"Mom will you read me this story?"

"The 12 Moons? Don't you ever get tired of this story?"

"No! Because it's my favorite!"

"Hahahahahahaha! O.K sweety go climb in bed, I'll read it to you."


~Chapter 1~

"Halt! Come back here thief!" Could be heard from down the street causing Shadya to turn towards the noise.

"Ignore it Shadya, it's just some rat stealing to feed their family. No need for you to get involved."

"Yes father." With that the albino girl turns away from the ruckus and continues to walk along side her father. 'We've come so far from home! I wonder what the pharaoh here is like?' The girl thought. She was pulled out of her thoughts by her father speaking to her.

"Now remember you're not too say a word. Let me do the talking, after all we are here to establish trade between our town and this. If you mess this up for me there will be heavy consequences, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes father."

"Good." The duo made it to their destination without another word spoken to one another. The entire time her father was making negotiations the girl's mind was elsewhere. Even when the event was over and she followed her father out of the pharaoh's throne room, she was lost in thought. They checked into a hotel and took their things to their room. Growing tired of her thoughts Shadya decided to take a walk around town. She looked at the various vendors and what they sold. Unimpressed by most everything Shadya walked aimlessly around the town until she came to a fantastic garden. There she spotted a young man dressed in fine clothes. Just as the girl was about to turn and walk away the man called out to her.

"Would you care to join me?" Shadya was unsure if she should but did anyway. The young man turned towards her and she saw just how extravagantly dressed he was. It was clear that this man was a noble and of high position.

"Ah. You're the girl from earlier. Was that your father you were with?" He looked at her with a gentle kindness that she had never before experienced. Shadya didn't trust her voice to answer clearly so she simply nodded. The young man smiled and said.

"I thought so." They spent the rest of the evening together. They talked and learned that they had many interests in common and they grew as close as could be. Was this love? Shadya learned that the man's name was Atem, but she didn't learn Who he really was until almost midnight. It was then, when some servants were looking for him did Shadya find out that the man was the Pharaoh. To say that she was surprised was an understatement, she was utterly dumbfounded. If she had paid attention during the meeting she would've known who he was and wouldn't have acted so familiar with him.

"Y-you're the Pharaoh?!" She asked him. He gave an amused smile.

"Yes, don't tell me you didn't realize who you were talking to." Shadya was so embarrassed.

"I-I wasn't paying attention." Her response made Atem laugh.

"I have to leave before I get caught." Shadya stood up and turned to leave only to be stopped by Atem who had grabbed her wrist.

"When will I see you again?"

"I don't know, My father and I leave tomorrow."

"Then marry me."


"Marry me and you won't have to leave." Shadya was stunned.

"I-I......Can't.....Not now, but I promise when I come back I will."

"Then take this, as proof of our promise." The young Pharaoh slipped a simple golden band around Shadya's wrist. She had tears pricking the corners of her eyes as she hugged him. Their time was cut short as the voices came closer.

"I must go now, farewell." Shadya ran off without looking back for she knew that if she did she would likely never leave. he kept running until she came back to the hotel she was staying at and slumped down into bed without waking her father. She sighed and looked at the band on her wrist. 'Did I really just do that? Did I really just agreed to marry the Pharaoh? A man I just met? It doesn't really matter now, what's done is done. Besides, I feel as though I've known him for years.' That night both Atem and Shadya fell asleep with smile upon their faces. However neither of them knew just how long it would be before they would see each other again. When morning came Shadya and her father left. Every night after that Atem would look at the moon from the same garden. They met under a full moon so he counted every full moon that came until his love returned to his side. It was 12 moons, a full year, before Shadya set foot in that town again. Her father and she had already checked into their hotel and so she decided to walk around town. She walked aimlessly just as she did back then. She wanted to see where her feet would take her. Shadya looked up from the ground and saw that she was once again in that garden. She saw a young man in fine clothing and she smiled to herself.

"May I join you?" When these words left her mouth the young man spun around a surprised look on his face. His shocked look was replaced with that same smile she had fallen for, he nodded. Once Shadya was standing next to him, she was suddenly being hugged by the Pharaoh. She smiled gently and said.

"I'm back."

"12 moons..." Shadya looked up at Atem.

"It took you 12 moons for you to return to me."

"Yes but at least I'm here now."

"Don't ever leave me again."

"I can't, otherwise I would be breaking our promise."

"That's right...." They just stayed like that for the remainder of their time together. They only parted when voices were heard coming towards them.

"Come find me tomorrow." was all that Shadya said before running off.

"Don't worry, I will." Atem whispered to her receding form, a small smile on his face. Little did they know that those would be their last words that they would ever share together. There was a riot that was led by the king of thieves. Shadya was caught in the middle of it and when Atem had found her it was already too late. Shadya had passed away. Devastated, the Pharaoh made a promise that he would find her again no matter how long it took.


"The End."



"Do you think that they will ever find each other?"

"Anything is possible."

~somewhere else

(name) sneezed. 'I wonder if I'm catching a cold.......The moon is full tonight. I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something. I'm sure I'll remember later.'

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