The bird on the roof.

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Yugi-oh!

It was a brand new day, and not to mention my first day at a new school with an actual friend. I got up, rushing about so that I wouldn't keep my new friend waiting. When I was finished getting ready I left after saying goodbye to my father. I met Yugi in front of the game shop and we began our journey to school. On the way we had a rather interesting conversation.

"What's your favorite animal?"

"A bird."

"A bird?"

"Yes, a bird. I like high places and the feeling of the wind. A bird is free and soars through the sky effortlessly and is able go wherever it is they please. I love that sense of freedom."

"I see. When did you move here?" I looked at Yugi who had a look of curiosity in his eyes.

"About two days or so."

"Really? Wasn't it hard for you to leave all your friends behind and move?"

"I.....didn't have any friends."

".....Oh." Yugi looked as though he regretted bringing up the subject and that pulled at my heart strings. I playfully pushed his arm.

" Just kidding! Don't look so down. Even if two people are separated by thousands of miles, they are still connected by the red string of fate, and if they really wish it, they will meet again." I smiled kindly toward him. 'What am I saying? I've never had any friends. So why did I just say that? Still, I feel as though I've said that to someone before.' Yugi nods, smiling back before he notices some people walking into the front gates.

"Ah! (name) I want to introduce you to my friends!" Yugi exclaims before grabbing my wrist and pulling me with him towards the small group of people. They turn and look at him. There were two girls and two boys. (characters from yugi-oh season 0)

"(Name), these are my friends; Miho Nosaka, Katsuya Jonouchi, Hiroto Honda, and Anzu Mazaki."

"Hello, It's a pleasure to meet you." I say to them and receiving a few hellos in response. 'Judging from the way Yugi is looking at Mazaki-san, I'd say that he has a little crush. Good to know.' With introductions out of the way we continued walking to our classes. Yugi and I had the almost exact same schedule so I stuck close to him. The class I had that was different from Yugi's just so happened to be the one right before lunch. When I looked into the classroom I was happy to see Mazaki-san. I walked up to her with a smile and attempted small talk.

"Looks like we have the same class together."

"........." She just ignored me. 'Red lights, somethings up!'

"Mazaki-san? Is something wrong?" I looked at her worriedly. She looked at me with a glare of pure hatred and suspicion, the words she said next were just as harsh.

"I don't know what you're up to, but I'm going to find out."

"Wha-" She cut me off.

"I know that there is some reason that you're staying so close to Yugi, and I don't like it. I don't like you." She turned to face forward and said nothing to me the rest of the class. When lunch time came I thought about following her to find Yugi and the others but I lost sight of her before I could even begin. I decided to go to the roof and think about the things she said. I sat down and began eating my lunch. I was lost in thought until the door slammed open, startling me. I turned and looked at the person who had opened the door. I blinked when I saw an out of breath Yugi.

"Y-Yugi?" I stuttered still shocked.

"(name)! Thank goodness I found you!" relief washed over his face.

"Did something happen?" Yugi laughs and shakes his head.

"No. You're new here and I remembered that I never told you where we hang out. I was worried when I heard some guys talking about doing things to you. When I couldn't find you I remembered what you said this morning. You really are like a bird." My face started to heat up and my heart started to beat rapidly until I could take it no more.

"(Name)? Are you o- (NAME)!" I fainted.

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