Chapter 1

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I could hear George next door in his office, shouting at his best freind Clay. Why does he always do this? I thought to myself, getting up from my chair and making my way to his office.

"George can you shut the fuck up please? I'm trying to study. I thought you wanted me to pass my GCSE's?" I said angrily. (GCSE's are kinda like the British version of the SATs i think. i'm not rlly sure) "I'm recording a video." He answered. "Can you just keep it down? I have my English exam in the morning." I yawned. "Why are you even recording right now? It's like 2am." I asked. I was curious to find out why he was still recording.

I knew that Clay was in Florida and that meant the timzone difference was obvious but George never stayed up this late recording. "I'm gonna go to bed in a bit, we have to finish this now though because it has to be out in a week and i still have to edit it." He said, also yawning. "A week?!" I stood in his doorway surprised. I knew George was never going to get that video edited in a week. "When it's done, send it to my pc and i can edit it for you. Your never gonna get it done in a week."

This wasn't the first time you would have edited your brothers video. I could hear loud laughed on the other end of George's headphones. "Oh shut up Dream" George muttered, only causing Clay to laugh more. "Hi Clay!" I shouted, walking over to the mic. I snatched the headphones off George's head and put them on my own. "Hey!" He shouted as i pushed him off his chair, onto the floor. "Sucks to suck, dumbass." I said, sitting down with the headset on. I heard loud shouts of laughter through my ears, then the sound of someone slapping a desk.

"Ok first of all, Gogs, How the fuck do your ears still work?" I asked while looking down at George, who was still laying on the floor. "Second," I started, not even giving him a chance to respond. "Uhh, Clay? You good?" I asked, laughing a little. A few minutes later, Clay had calmed himself down and stopped laughing. "Yeah, Yeah i'm good y/n. Aren't you younger that George? How the fuck did you manage to push him off the chair that easily?" He questioned, sounding intrigued. "I don't know, He's small. I'm almost taller than him and i do something other than stay up till ungodly hours in the morning and play Minecraft with people 4000 miles away." I said, cockily. Both Clay and George started laughing again. This went on for a few minutes before i realised that, though i was the youngest, I was clearly acting like the oldest. I sighed as i left. Poking my head back round the doorframe i spoke to George again. "Dude, Just keep the noise down ok?" I asked. He just gave me a thumbs up and i went back to my room.

I sat back down at my desk and decided to give up on studying. I had been doing it for hours and it was already 2:30 in the morning. I went to brush my teeth and grab some water before shouting goodnight to George. I didn't really expect a response until i hear a goodnight come from his office. I smiled as i crawled into bed, falling asleep as soon as my head it the pillow.

The next day wasn't exactly unusual. I had my English GCSE first think in the morning but i thought i did pretty well. George was confident that i was gonna pass and honestly, so was I. School was pretty easy apart from that, I only had one lesson left. I was walking down the corridor when i felt my phone vibrating. I checked and it was a discord notification. I decided to sneak off to the toilets to check it.

"Why is Dream messaging me on discord!" I whispered to my self, confused as i opened it 'Heres the ip for the Dream SMP. George told me you were at school so get back to lesson and you can log on when you get home ok?' I got exited and thought about how much more friends i could make on this new server. I have never been a really social person so i didn't have many friends growing up. I only had my best freind Amber that i spoke to now and we rarely spoke.

Amber didn't know anything about me streaming or me being related to George. She was obsessed with the Dream SMP so i was a little worried that she would know that it was me but since i streamed without a face cam i didn't think she would notice. That was George's one condition to let me start streaming. I had to stream without a face cam until he thought i was ready to do a face reveal.

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