Chapter 19

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Long chapter to make up for the last one.

TW: Mentions of sh, sexual references

"Hey, any idea if we're doing anything today." I asked, sitting down on one of the chairs in the kitchen. "Not really, We could go out and film a vlog but i don't know what we would do." Wilbur said, sighing. "What if we got Jack for the day and went out" Niki suggested.

"Yeah! We could just say 'Taking Jack Manifold to." I started, pausing to think. "We could take him to the cinema?" I finished as everyone agreed. "Ok so we can ask who wants to come and everyone else can go somewhere else?" Ranboo said, walking in.

"Hey, what we talking about?" Tommy said, walking in, his hair still damp from a shower. If i was being honest, He looked kind of cute.  "We're gonna get Jack and go to the cinema. You in?" I told him, snapping back into reality as he enthusiastically agreed.

We talked to everyone else as we agreed that Niki, Wilbur, me, Quackity, Dream, George, Bad, Ranboo and Tommy would come and everyone else would do something different. Out of nowhere, George came and pulled me back upstairs, into his room.

"George. What?" I asked questioningly as he shut the door and locked it. "Are you good?" I asked, now kind of concerned. "I'm fine. Are YOU ok?" He asked comfortingly, patting the spot next to him on the bed, telling me to sit.

I rolled my eyes. George always used to do this thing where whenever i was feeling down, he would talk to me almost like a therapist. "I'm ok i guess." I shrugged, sitting next to him. "How's your arm? Can i see?" He asked, gingerly pulling up the sleeve, trying not to hurt me.

It was genuinely sweet what he was doing and we always had these long, emotional talks with each other about how we were feeling. The small slashes on my arm had scabbed over by now and they probably weren't going to scar.

"You know," I started, sighing. If i was going to have to talk to him, i may as well tell him everything. "Whenever I used to cut, I felt like an artist almost. Like the blade was my paintbrush and i was painting a masterpiece that would remain forever." I looked over at George who was sitting there, listening intently.

I sighed again and continued "but every now and again, the blade would go too deep. When that happened, i didn't feel like an artist anymore. I felt like a failure. Like i could never do anything right and i was a waste of space who was a burden to everyone around them." I felt myself starting to tear up a little.

George pulled me into a close hug and held me for a while, whispering comforting words into my ears. "Your not a waste of space, Y/n, Your amazing. Look." He said, pulling out his phone. I saw the hashtag '#Y/NSUPPORT' trending.

"I noticed how people were treating you on twitter and other social medias, so i tweeted something simple with hashtag Y/n support. Look through the tweets on there." He smiled, handing me the phone.

I slowly grabbed it and started looking through.

#Y/NSUPPORT  I don't know what happened but WE LOVE YOU Y/N!! <333

Y/N has helped me through so much and hearing that they are having a hard time hurts me. Hope you feel better soon Y/n! 🤍🤍 #Y/NSUPPORT

I love you Y/n! You have helped more people than you know <3 #Y/NSUPPORT

I looked back at George, handing him the phone. "Thank you." I smiled at him before speaking again. "Anyways, What's new with you?" I questioned enthusiastically. I had noticed Dream and George sneaking off last night and was curious to where they had gone.

"What- Who- Nothing." He stuttered as i noticed a small blush spread across his face. "Oh. My. God. You and Clay fucked didn't you?" I laughed hysterically as George got obviously redder. "Y/N! We didn't- I mean- We did but" He cut himself off, hiding under his bed sheets.

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