Chapter 15

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Tw: Panic attack
We walked back to the hotel, hand in
hand, the world around us didn't matter anymore. We had each other. "Tom." I stopped suddenly. "What's up?" He asked concerned, stopping to. "What are we gonna tell the fans" I was concerned about how people would react, especially those few crazy fans.

"Um" He started, thinking. "What if we just don't tell them, we let them figure it out themselves." He laughed. I agreed and we kept walking back. We knew we would have to tell everyone that was with us. I started getting a little worried about how George would react but I brushed it off and grabbed Tommy's hand again.

I decided that I would be the one to tell George about us, mainly because i knew he wouldn't get pissed at me but i wasn't sure about Tommy. When we walked in, I left tommy to tell the rest while i went up to George's room, where he was sleeping.

This didn't surprise me in the slightest so I just woke him up because it was like half past three in the after noon and his sleep schedule was fucked anyways. We both sat down on his bed and I told him.

"Oh shit- Um ok." He was surprised to say the least but he seemed to be supportive of it. Until a few minutes later when I had left his room and he followed. "Tom, Come with me." He said stubbornly. Tommy looked to me with a worried look on his face.

'It's fine, go' I mouthed in his direction as he walked out the room. "Um, I'm gonna go make sure he doesn't kill him" Dream said, standing up and following the two boys. When they finally came back down, Tommy looked terrified.

"The fuck happened to you?" I asked "Language" Bad muttered, not even looking up from his book. "Your brothers a scary man." He said sitting down. "What's he done now?" I sighed, I knew George was gonna do something like this.

"he said 'I'm ok with you dating Y/n but if you ever hurt them in any way, I will kill you'" Tommy shivered. He genuinely seemed afraid of George and this made me laugh. I decided that i was gonna talk to him about not scaring people anymore but for now, I just wanted to spend time with everyone. We had less than a month left and i wanted to make the most of it.

Wilbur pulled me aside after a while and started giving me a random, strangely rehearsed speech. "Tommy is like a brother to me and I can tell that you care about him a lot. He doesn't want people to think so but he can be sensitive sometimes. I Know he cares for you a lot and loves you." He stated in a weirdly serious tone. "Just, Please don't hurt him Y/n" He patted my shoulder and went back into the main room where everyone else was.

I followed quickly and saw Tommy watching videos on his phone with Ranboo and Tubbo. Skeppy and bad were huddled in the corner, Skeppy seemingly trying to make his best friend swear. Everyone else was just doing their own thing. I decided to go up to my room for a bit and just watch some Netflix.

I put on a new show I found called 'Grand Army' And watched that for a while. Tommy came upstairs at like 11pm and asked if he could sit with me. We kept watching random movies until we had both eventually fallen asleep.


I was woken to Tommy jerking up in shock, seemingly from a nightmare. I sat up, noticing tears forming in his eyes. I started to get a little worried when i noticed his breathing picking up. I put my arms around his neck softly and made him focus on me. "Come on Toms, It's fine. Just a stupid nightmare." I whispered in his ear.

"J-Just a stupid n-nightmare" he muttered breathlessly. After a few minutes of me just holding him in silence, he began to calm down. "You ok?" I asked slowly taking my hands away from his neck. "Y-yeah i think so" He whispered. "Hold on, I'm gonna go get you some water." I said, getting up and running to the bathroom.

I grabbed Tommy's water bottle and filled it up with some ice water before running back to my room. Tommy was sat on my bed still, playing with my phone. "Here." I gave him the bottle. "Take small sips" I said sitting down beside him.
I'm bored so imma finish this tomorrow.

Hi Ace

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