Chapter 17

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Tw: sh mentions

"Y/n." George said, shaking me a little to wake me up. I immediately noticed that my sleeves were rolled up and my bandages off. "George. it's not-" I started before getting cut off. "I thought you stopped." He sounded disappointed.

"I'm sorry. I needed to. i needed to feel again." I said as i began to tear up as he pulled me into a hug. "It's ok, Y/n. I understand that it's hard sometimes." he said soothingly, pulling me into a hug.

I clung to him like a child as i cried into his arms. Tommy came up after a bit. "Hey Y/n! Wait- what's up?" He sounded concerned. "Nothing. It's fine i just had a bad dream." I smiled at him as George got up. "I'm gonna go film something." He said, walking out of the room slowly.

"You know he's gonna stay and listen from outside the door." Tommy said as he sat down, making me laugh a little. "Do you just wanna stay here?" He asked. "Mhm." I nodded as Tommy got up and put the TV on.

"Tommy, Why" I started as Tom put a Disney movie on the tv. "your such an idiot." I laughed fondly as he jumped back on the bed and cuddled up next to me. We spent the next hour or 2 watching random movies together.

Eventually, Dream and Sapnap came up to talk to me about George's birthday. Tommy went to spend time with Ranboo and Tubbo since ranboo had to leave early. "What are we doing for George's birthday then?" Dream asked desperately.

"Where is he?" I asked, trying to make sure he wouldn't overhear. "He's downstairs talking to bad, phil and quackity." Sapnap said, sitting on my bed. "Ok. George's main things that he loves the most are; You." I said, pointing towards Dream, causing Sapnap to laugh. "Theme parks, and big romantic gestures." I looked towards the two boys who seemed to be talking mental notes for themselves.

"I mean late at night at the top of a ferris wheel kissing type shit." I directed towards Dream. "What if we all went down to Alton Towers and stayed in a hotel there for the day?" Sapnap suggested enthusiastically.

"Yeah! He'd love that!" I said happily as we kept talking for another half hour or so about we could make it perfect. It was 2pm before i got out of bed the first time. "Y/n! Come here!" Skeppy shouted from
the kitchen. "What?" I asked before being interrupted. "How do I ask Bad out?" He questioned desperately.

I laughed a little at the fact everyone was coming to the sixteen year old for dating advice. "Y/nnnn" He complained "Help me!" I thought for a moment and remembered all the times in the last few weeks that i had known them. They always seemed to be flirting with each other.

"Just ask him. He likes you too but is to scared to ask." I told him comfortingly. Me and Skeppy were never that close but we were friends so i tried giving him the best advice i could. Before i knew it, he had asked bad to come outside with him.

"What did Zak want?" George asked as i sat next to him and Dream. "Nothing really. Just wanted to talk about something." I shrugged it off and went onto my phone. I opened twitter and checked the timeline since i hadn't used it that much.

I noticed a lot more hateful tweets about me but i decided to ignore it. Bad and Skeppy came back in after a bit and they were both smiling wide. Skeppy gave me a quick grin and a thumbs up as he walked past.

"I'm gonna stream for a bit." Tommy said, walking upstairs. I decided to follow him, thinking i could just sit on his bed on my phone for a while. "Hey." I said, falling onto his bed and getting comfortable. "I'm just gonna sit here for the stream." I told him, getting a small nod back.

30 minutes into the stream, The TTS started up and i heard through the computer "Tommy im a woman will you date me?". I gave him a quick look as he looked back at me and we made eye contact. He looked at me as if to say, 'what do i do?'

I jumped up and ran over to him. He had his facecam on so i gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and said "mine. Piss off." Before sitting back down. "Y/n! Why?" Tommy started before laughing. "I'll just leave you to explain it." I laughed as i went back to my phone.

"Uh- Yeah chat. Basically me and Y/n are together. Um, I think they have pictures of a really cute place we went to?" He said looking at me. "Get him 500 subs in 5 minutes and i'll post it." I shouted so the stream could hear me.

I got a twitter draft ready because i knew chat was going to do it. As i had guessed, 2 minutes later Tommy looked over to me and said he had an extra 500 subs from the time i had said it. I posted the picture and told tommy to tell his chat.

@ Y/u/n
Love you Toms <33

I got 2000 likes in like 2 seconds as i put my phone back down

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I got 2000 likes in like 2 seconds as i put my phone back down. I went over to Tommy who was still streaming and I grabbed a chair and sat next to him. I planned to just watch him play bedwars but Chat wanted to ask me a load of questions.

We ended up turning it into a QnA before we started to get bored. "How about we do a you 'laugh you lose'?" I suggested. "Um yeah i think i have stuff set up for that. we have been streaming for like, 3 and a half hours though so maybe just a short one. We can do another tomorrow or something though." He said, turning the videos on.

We ended up streaming for 5 hours and by the time we had ended, it was already 9pm so we couldn't get much done by this time. "Be ready for midnight, we're going out." Tommy whispered in my ear before running out of the room, back into the living room.

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