TFP Arcee (Fluff)

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A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)

~ Arcee is pretty affectionate with you every day that you're with her

~ She prefers to show affection for you in private, but she'll hold your hand and give you quick kisses in public

B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)

~ Arcee's best memory with you is when you you took her to volunteer at the local animal shelter where you both got to walk dogs and cuddle with cats and bunnies all day

C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)

~ Arcee is more of a cat person because they're so cute and cuddly

D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)

~ Arcee wants to continue to be an Autobot warrior and to have you as her significant other for the rest of your life

E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? Do they go out? Do they read?)

~ Arcee likes spending her evenings on the top of the Autobot base near where the Memorial for Cliffjumper is

~ She likes it when you're able to join her

~ However, she also likes spending evenings with you in your home

F = first date (what was it like?)

~ You took Arcee to the local spa for your first date with her

~ You found a casual outfit for her holoform to wear so that she would blend in better

~ You both had pedicures, face masks and massages

~ By the end of the day you both were relaxed

G = Greetings (what was their first meeting like?)

~ When you and Arcee met for the first time it was a complete accident

~ Knockout, who was in his holoform, was leaning against his alt mode near your favorite hang out place while flirting with you

~ Arcee saw what was happening and saved you

~ Knockout got mad, revealed that Cybertronians were on Earth, Arcee had to transform into her bi-pedal form and that's how you met her

H = hugs (do they like hugs? What kind of hugs do they give?)

~ Arcee loves hugs, although not many people know that

~ She loves hugging you from behind

I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)

~ Arcee knows how to play the piano

J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)

~ Going out for long drives in the desert, having wonderful friends and having you as her girlfriend bring Arcee joy in life

K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)

~ Arcee is more of a vampire kisser

~ When she does kiss you on your lips she's a passionate kisser

L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)

~ When Arcee had a crush on you she acted cold and distant towards you, but she always felt bad about hurting your feelings

M = movie (what’s their favorite movie to watch with you?)

~ Arcee's favorite movie to watch with you is Brave

N = no (what is their pet peeve?)

~ Arcee can't stand it when people make annoying sounds

O = occupation (what’s their dream job?)

~ Someday, Arcee wants to have a family with you and be a super spy

P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)

~ Arcee would be the kind of parent who's a little overprotective 

Q = questions (do they believe in the supernatural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)

~ Arcee wonders how many other kinds aliens have come to Earth

R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)

~ Arcee is as romantic as she can be during her relationship with you

~ She likes taking you to different places around the world for dates, being affectionate with you and even cooking dinner for you

S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)

~ Seeing the sunrise every day and knowing that she gets to spend time with you makes her smile no matter what

T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)

~ Arcee doesn't like to be too clingy, but sometimes she can't help it

~ Arcee likes to spend as much time with you as she can

U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable?)

~ Arcee has a bad habit of pushing those she's closest with away

V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)

~ Arcee takes a few photos of her and you, but not videos

W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon)

~ You and Arcee, who was using her holoform for the day, once went to a Pride parade and got a rainbow painted on your faces

X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)

~ Arcee sometimes secretly wishes that she would have switched her paint job to pink with blue highlights

Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, scent, word anything)

~ Arcee hates the feeling of a wet washcloth on her when someone gives her a bath

Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)

~ Arcee is a very light sleeper; any little noise will wake her up

~ Arcee sleeps on her right side whether she's in her bi-pedal form or her holoform

~ Arcee usually wakes up in a good mood, especially when she knows that she gets to spend time with you

~ Sometimes Arcee has nightmares, even when she's sleeping with you, so to calm her down you talk to her about it until she feels better

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