RID2015 Drift (NSFW)

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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)

~ Drift is pretty quiet after sex, but he's also very loving; he tries to act like he doesn't want to cuddle with you but as soon as you both get comfy he can't stop himself from hugging you against his body

~ If things got a little rough during sex he makes sure you're okay and not in any pain aside from the expected soreness

~ He always makes sure you have snacks and a bottle of water nearby in case you get the munchies or get thirsty

~ As mentioned in the previous chapter if Drift has certain dreams about his future with you he'll talk to you about them when you both have pillow talk

~ It's kind of rare to get him to open up about such things, so pillow talk is always cherished

B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)

~ Drift's favorite body part of his own are his hands because he gets to touch you with them whenever he's using his holoform, whether it's in a sexual way or not

~ His favorite body part of yours is your collarbone; he loves leaving love bites on you and getting to see them every day is one of many reminders that you're his

C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

~ Drift prefers to cum inside of you because he views it as a way of sharing a special part of himself that he can't do with his real body and because he loves seeing it spill out of you afterwards

~ However, there are times where he likes ejaculating in your mouth, such as when you give him blowjobs

~ His cum has a thick consistency to it and it's almost pure white, although it has a very faint blue tint to it which is to be expected

~ As for your cum, he loves it on his dick, his tongue or his fingers

D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

~ Drift doesn't really have any dirty secrets, before he met you he refused to use his holoform for any sexual purposes because he believes sex is only meant for serious couples in order to maintain a strong bond

E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)

~ Before he met you Drift didn't really have any sexual experience, but once the two of you started doing the devil's tango he acquired quite a bit of experience

~ He took directions from you the first few times you both tried having sex, luckily all the practice paid off

~ Beforehand, he educated himself, but we'll get into that later

~ Once he knows what he's doing Drift can give you earth shattering orgasms

F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)

~ Drift's favorite positions with you are Lotus Flower (#240), Twerk on dick (#494), Apex (#487) and Stickman (#482)

G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)

~ Drift is pretty much serious almost 100% of the time in daily life, so he's definitely very serious during sex

~ Making love with you is one of the ways he shows you how much he truly cherishes you, which is a serious matter

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