RID2015 Fix-it (Fluff)

685 19 13

A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more private?)

~ Fix-it is a very very affectionate minicon; he's got a lot of love to give, so be prepared for lots of cuddling, kissing, hand holding, hugs and words of endearment

~ He's a little shy about showing affection for you in public, but he doesn't have anything against it

~ Hand holding, kisses on the cheek and the occasional 'I love you' is the most he'll do with you in public

~ In private though he's a complete cuddle bug; he loves having you wrapped in his holoform's arms while he holds you close to him

~ He likes resting his head on your boobs too if the two of you are cuddling on your bed; for him it isn't sexual, but he thinks they're comfortable to lay his holoform's head on and to him it's another way to be close to you

~ Fix-it definitely has an arm wrapped around your waist while he's watching a movie with you

B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)

~ Fix-it's best memory with you is when you kissed him for the first time

~ You both were having a movie night at your place and during one particular romantic scene during the movie it just kind of happened

~ He had his arm wrapped around your waist and when the two of you looked at each other you both leaned closer to each other and ended up kissing

C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)

~ Fix-it likes both cats and dogs equally, but his absolute favorite kind of pet is a lop eared bunny

D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)

~ Fix-it's biggest dream is to help the other Autobots during an important mission and actually be there instead of at the scrap yard

~ But he also wants to live a relatively normal life with you and maybe someday adopt a few kids

E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? Do they go out? Do they read?)

~ Fix-it likes to spend his evenings watching movies with you in the diner at the scrap yard, going out on walks with you in the forest and sometimes going over things in the command center

~ If he can't be with you for whatever reason he'll text you all evening if you're not busy with something important, but even if you are he'll send you a cute check-in text

~ He likes going out in public with you on dates sometimes after he makes a few adjustments to his holoform so he can eat food and turn it into pure energy

~ After you introduce Fix-it to your favorite books he enjoys reading them with you

F = first date (what was it like?)

~ For your first date with Fix-it he took you to see the sights in England since it's one of his favorite continents on Earth

~ Bee helped by finding the perfect place for you and Fix-it to go and he even agreed to operate the groundbridge

~ Fix-it naturally used his holoform for his date with you since he was taking you to the British museum in London

~ He's naturally a complete gentleman during his date with you and makes sure you have a good time with him

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