TFP Wheeljack (Fluff)

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A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more private?)

~ Wheeljack isn't exactly the most gentle Autobot and he wasn't used to being affectionate at first, but as time passes he becomes more affectionate with you

~ He doesn't have any problem showing affection for you in public; he's proud to have you as his girlfriend

~ He doesn't have full on make out sessions with you in public, but he's not afraid to give you a passionate kiss during the right situation

~ Hand holding happens a lot while he's out in public with you

~ In private, Wheeljack is a big softie with you, especially during cuddling and/or snuggling

B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)

~ Wheeljack's best memory with you is when he took you for a flight in the Jackhammer for the first time

C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)

~ There’s no doubting that Wheeljack is 100% a dog person

~ No matter what kind of dog it is he gets along with them really well

D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)

~ Wheeljack's first dream is to fill the Nemesis with explosives to cause the biggest explosion on Earth while also stopping the Decepticons once and for all

~ His second dream is to someday marry you, have one or two kids with you and adopt a few friendly dogs

E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)

~ Wheeljack usually spends his evenings out of the Autobot base

~ Sometimes he'll take you out on patrols while other times the two of you will go out on a date

~ Wheeljack doesn't mind spending some of his evenings with you in your home; as long as he gets to spend time with you he's happy

F = first date (what was it like?)

~ Since Wheeljack wasn't experienced as far as dating was concerned he chose something classic; a picnic in the park

~ Tbh he probably asked June for advice bc she's been through the whole first date thing before

~ It was a little shocking that Wheeljack asked you out on such a calm and simple date, but it was sweet of him

~ Wheeljack helped you make and pack the picnic lunch on the day of his first date with you

~ The date went rather well; the birds were singing in the trees, the food tasted good and the park was mostly empty

~ Nothing really exciting happened during your date with Wheeljack, but it was fun to have a nice, relaxing picnic with him

G = Greetings (what was their first meeting like?)

~ Your first meeting with Wheeljack was a little unexpected, but not shocking

~ You already knew about the Autobots and you were at their base when Wheeljack showed up out of the blue

~ Usually Wheeljack flirted with Ratchet a little every time he visited, but as soon as he saw you and made eye contact he was hooked

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